gchq / coreax

A library for coreset algorithms, written in Jax for fast execution and GPU support.
Apache License 2.0
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Performance regression testing #510

Open be904619 opened 3 months ago

be904619 commented 3 months ago

What's the new feature?

Introducing a mechanism for regression testing of algorithm performance (in terms of speed).

What value does this add?

This would support assessment of how performance either improves or regresses on development of new or existing features or software architecture.

Is there an alternative you've considered?

No response

Additional context

This was a recommendation made during Sprint 15 Review.

tp832944 commented 2 months ago

Could be quite a large ticket. Depends on how thorough we want to be.

Could keep a record of the pytest runtimes. Warning: run times can be quite unstable. Keep a history to monitor changes in the trend.

tp832944 commented 1 week ago

If running during GitHub workflows, save timing data to a Git Gist.