gchq / sleeper

A cloud-native, serverless, scalable, cheap key-value store
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Missing permissions for asynchronous commit #2769

Closed patchwork01 closed 1 week ago

patchwork01 commented 1 week ago


Bulk import fails with asynchronous commit because it doesn't have permission to send a message to the state store committer.

The state store committer also does not have permissions to add events to the ingest job status store.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Run a bulk import system test
  2. See the bulk import job fails

Expected behaviour

All bulk import system tests should pass.


Status store failed event has a failure reason like this:

User: arn:aws:sts::... is not authorized to perform: sqs:sendmessage on resource: arn:aws:sqs:...:sleeper-<instance-id>-StateStoreCommitterQ.fifo because no identity-based policy allows the sqs:sendmessage action