gchq / stroom

Stroom is a highly scalable data storage, processing and analysis platform.
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[GUI] View Jobs by node rather view by Job Title with each job displaying each nodes setting. #4327

Open stroomdev42 opened 1 week ago

stroomdev42 commented 1 week ago

Can be

at055612 commented 4 days ago

We could do this by having the following sub-tabs on the Jobs screen (Jobs|Nodes) with the former showing we have at the moment, and the latter showing a list of nodes and the detail pane showing a list of jobs with enabled at the top and disabled at the bottom (or only show the enabled ones with :heavy_plus_sign: / :heavy_minus_sign: icons to add/remove.

at055612 commented 4 days ago

@stroomdev10 would prefer a Jobs detail pane on the Nodes screen.