gcivil-nyu-org / INET-Monday-Fall2023-Team-5

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Implement Moon Sign Interpretation Sharing Feature #291 #295

Closed aya0221 closed 10 months ago

aya0221 commented 10 months ago

This commit introduces the functionality for users to share their personal moon sign interpretations for each moon phase as outlined in user story #185.

Key changes include:

  1. Update game/models.py to support moon phase message recording and retrieval.
  2. Modify game/consumers.py to handle WebSocket communication for moon phase interpretation events.
  3. Adjust game/forms.py to include forms for moon sign interpretation submission.
  4. Enhance game/templates/game_progress.html to allow users to input and submit their moon phase interpretations dynamically.
  5. Refine game/views.py to process the form submissions and update the user profile accordingly.
  6. added test case in 'game/tests.py' for the added feature.

The feature pre-populates existing interpretations for the user and enables immediate reflection of the shared interpretations in the game's reaction system. The logic ensures ambiguity in moon signs is handled, allowing users to select their choice for such instances.

The feature has been thoroughly tested to ensure it meets the acceptance criteria set forth in the user story. Unit tests have been updated to reflect the new functionality, ensuring comprehensive coverage.

All changes are backward compatible and do not disrupt existing game flows. The deployment to the production environment has been prepared and will be monitored for performance and user feedback.