The mapbox_access_token is exposed as
mapbox_access_token = "pk.eyJ1Ijoic2hvcm5idWNrbGU5MyIsImEiOiJja2g5b3QxZnEwM3V3MnprM3gxZzlnMTlnIn0.U0IY_rRntdyeFAnW7bCSIQ"
which can be used to do many things like breaking this functionality by exceeding free-tier rate limits and more.
Expected Behavior
API/access tokens of 3rd party services being used should not be publicly visible
The mapbox_access_token is exposed as
mapbox_access_token = "pk.eyJ1Ijoic2hvcm5idWNrbGU5MyIsImEiOiJja2g5b3QxZnEwM3V3MnprM3gxZzlnMTlnIn0.U0IY_rRntdyeFAnW7bCSIQ"
in which can be used to do many things like breaking this functionality by exceeding free-tier rate limits and more.Expected Behavior
API/access tokens of 3rd party services being used should not be publicly visible
Current Behavior
You can see the mapbox_access_token publicly
Ideas for Improvement
Steps to Reproduce
Context (Environment)
One can use this key to completely break the map functionality from working on