gclayburg / synology-diskstation-scripts

Update Synology DNS records from DHCP IP address reservation
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Changing frequency and schedule #9

Closed youseeadam closed 8 years ago

youseeadam commented 8 years ago

I was wondering how I could change the update to happen every hour and then only run during certain hours? I would assume I could create a task to stop and start when I want and the frequency would be to change the poll-dhcp-changes.sh loop from 5 to 3600 for 1 hour?

gclayburg commented 8 years ago

I would think you should be able to do that with the DSM task scheduler. Just run the diskstation_dns_modify.sh script directly. You would want to remove or disable the S99pollDHCP.sh script and the poll-dhcp-changes.sh script. Those only exist to force the diskstation_dns_modify.sh script to run automatically.