gcmt / wildfire.vim

Smart selection of the closest text object
MIT License
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Region shrinks during "expanding" it #18

Closed hoschi closed 3 years ago

hoschi commented 10 years ago

Hi, great plugin! I spotted some strange behaviour. This is my example:

        // test paragraph
            some stuff here


Place the cursor at 'stuff' and start wildfire, now you got:

        // test paragraph
            some stuff here


With the next press to expand the region the last seleced line jumps back to the beginning of the selection which is pretty strange behaviour imho:

<<< {
        // test paragraph
            some stuff here>>>


I would expect the selection to expand only and never shrink again.

itchyny commented 10 years ago

The 'strange' selection is the paragraph, since the next line of some stuff here is a line without a character. By default, g:wildfire_objects is defined as ["ip", "i)", "i]", "i}", "i'", 'i"', "it"], so paragraph selection has priority. If you will not use paragraph selection, use the following configuration.

let g:wildfire_objects = ["i'", 'i"', "i)", "i]", "i}"]

If you just remove the void line, everything works nice.

        // test paragraph
            some stuff here

But the behaviour actually looks weird so I will look into the code.

hoschi commented 10 years ago

You are right, wildfire behaves somewhat logical ... but not uasable/naturally in this case. I think the selection should never shrink, only grow.