gcobb321 / icloud3

iCloud3 v3 - iCloud3 is an advanced iDevice tracker that uses Apple iCloud account and HA Companion App data for presence detection and location based automations.
MIT License
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Unable to add devices #334

Open jokerigno opened 2 months ago

jokerigno commented 2 months ago

Hi all,

just tried to use this integration but I'm stuck in the add device section.

This is what I see in GUI


Nothing in the log...

Any suggestion?

gcobb321 commented 2 months ago

What version of iCloud3 are you running? The latest is v3.0.3.

I ran through some tests and found an error that occurred adding the first device but not the one you see with the extra keys not allowed message.

It looks like you have already added one device. Did you just do that or was it in an earlier version of iC3?

jokerigno commented 2 months ago

default version downloaded is 3.0.2a (latest available in the drop down menu).

I changed to "master". Same issue even though i see a different name in HACS


This are the sensor I see in the integration. image

This is the first attempt to use icloud3.

gcobb321 commented 2 months ago

OK. I posted v3.0.3 to the Developers Repo to make sure it didn't have any problems. And then found one.

Install v3.0.4 below and lets see if the problem still exists.

Below is v3.0.4 with that fix. Unzip it into the iCloud3 directory and restart HA. icloud3 v3.0.4.zip

Change Log - v3.0.4 (not released)

  1. ADD DEVICE (Fixed) - An 'Out of Range' error message was encountered adding the first device.
  2. DIRECTION OF TRAVEL (Improvement) - Tweaked the AwayFrom direction override when approaching Home after the previous directions were Towards.

v3.0.3 .......................

Change Log - v3.0.3 (5/1/2024)

  1. ALERTS (New) - An alert message is displayed on the Event Log and in the alert attribute on the device's device_tracker and badge entities until it has been resolved. Examples of alerts are a startup error, no gps data, the device is offline, the battery below 20%, and tracking is paused. The alert attribute can be used in an automation to trigger sending a message to any device using the Mobile App. See the Reference > Devices and Other Alerts chapter in the iCloud3 docs here for more information and example automations.
  2. BATTERY (Improvement) - The battery information attribute has been added to the device's device_tracker and badge entity. It shows the battery level, charging state, when the information was updated and the source of the data. The charging status text has been changed to 'Charged', 'Charging', 'NotCharging', 'Low' and 'Unknown'.
  3. UPDATE SENSOR (Fixed) - An 'AttributeError' message has been fixed. It was caused by trying to update the sensor before the sensor had been set up.
  4. CONFIGURE SETTINGS > ICLOUD ACCOUNT AND MOBILE APP screen (Fixed) - Changing iCloud account information (Username or password) was not being saved correctly so restarting iCloud3 would still use the old account. A Log Off option was added to initialize the iCloud Account username/password fields.
  5. DIRECTION OF TRAVEL (Improvement) - When Driving towards Home, the calculated straight line distance is used to determine the travel direction ('Towards'). The direction would momentarily change to 'AwayFrom' if the distance from Home increased due to a curve in the road or you were stopped at an intersection. It would then change back to 'Towards' on the next update. In this case, the direction will not be changed and will remain 'Towards'.
  6. Other minor code changes, tuning and code cleanup.
jokerigno commented 2 months ago

I just tried (removing and rebooting also). Same issue with same code.

gcobb321 commented 2 months ago

Did you install v3.0.4 above? What version shows in the Event Log att the beginning of the Startup messages?

jokerigno commented 1 month ago

sorry for late reply.

Yes it shows 3.0.4 immagine

tried again today

no changes unfortunately

gcobb321 commented 1 month ago

Click the gear icon and go to Configure > Update Devices > Add Device screen a and the device you want to track.

If you still get an Unknown Error occurred,, click the 'X' in the upper right corner to exit the Configure Setting screens. Then go to Devices & Settings > System > Logs and see what the iCloud3 error messages are. Copy them and send them to me.

If you don't get an error message, and the device is added, follow the menu actions options to Restart iCloud3 and see if it is then tracked.

jokerigno commented 1 month ago

the gear button does not work as expected. It simply reload the page. I think because there's something wrong in the link.

This is the link generated suing the gear icon:

and this is the actual web page for the icloud3 integration

I searched for logs but there is no error message in my log.

gcobb321 commented 1 month ago

@jokerigno The only difference in the link is /lovelace-test. Do you know where that came from? Are you using some kind of a test page to load it?

Have you tried pasting the actual web link above into the browsers url field and going to it to see if that works?

If nothing works,

  1. Go to the Devices & services > iCloud3 > Configure > Menu-Configure Parameters at the bottom > Tracking & Other Parameters screen.
  2. Scroll to the bottom and you will see a Configure URL Override field. Paste your URL into that field
  3. Restart iCloud3 and see if it uses your URL
jokerigno commented 1 month ago

yes the custom tab in a test dashboard in my home assistant (called lovelace test).

Now I manually change the url and it works. Thanks!

Maybe the issue is a step before?

I ask because of the highlighted warning immagine

gcobb321 commented 1 month ago

The iCloud3 configuration is stored in config/.storage/icloud3/configuration file. iCloud3 has detected there are no devices that have been set up. The great icon is just a shortcut to the Devices & settings > iCloud3 > integration > Configure screen. Neither are really errors and they have nothing to do with each other.

jokerigno commented 1 month ago

ok so what next?

I don't see any error label so really don't know how to solve it

> 05-14 06:44:57  
>                                            ⛔━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
>                                            ⛔    iCloud3 v3.0.4, Tuesday, 2024-05-14 06:44:57
>                                            ⛔━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
> 05-14 06:44:57 [messaging...:0283] _INIT_   Profile:
>                                            {'version': 1, 'ic3_version': '3.0.4', 'version_install_date': '2024-05-03 18:31:44', 'config_update_date': '2024-05-14 06:44:57', 'event_log_version': '3.0.17', 'event_log_version_running': '', 'event_log_card_directory': 'www/icloud3', 'event_log_card_program': 'icloud3-event-log-card.js', 'event_log_btnconfig_url': '/config/integrations/integration/icloud3', 'picture_www_dirs': ['www', 'www/lovelace-flower-card', 'www/lovelace-flower-card/data', 'www/lovelace-flower-card/data/Images', 'www/data', 'www/data/Images', 'www/moon', 'www/community', 'www/community/purifier-card', 'www/community/restriction-card', 'www/community/atomic-calendar-revive', 'www/community/lovelace-slider-entity-row', 'www/community/spotify-card', 'www/community/lovelace-hui-element', 'www/community/vertical-stack-in-card', 'www/community/bar-card', 'www/community/mini-graph-card', 'www/community/entity-attributes-card', 'www/community/lovelace-text-input-row', 'www/community/light-entity-row', 'www/community/banner-card', 'www/community/lovelace-state-switch', 'www/community/cover-element', 'www/community/lovelace-layout-card', 'www/community/lovelace-card-tools', 'www/community/mushroom-strategy', 'www/community/text-divider-row', 'www/community/apexcharts-card', 'www/community/list-card', 'www/community/lovelace-card-mod', 'www/community/lovelace-fold-entity-row', 'www/community/config-template-card', 'www/community/button-card', 'www/community/weather-radar-card', 'www/community/lovelace-multiline-text-input-card', 'www/community/battery-state-card', 'www/community/lovelace-paper-buttons-row', 'www/community/lovelace-multiple-entity-row', 'www/community/surveillance-card', 'www/community/circle-sensor-card', 'www/community/lovelace-mushroom', 'www/community/better-thermostat-ui-card', 'www/community/hass-hue-icons', 'www/community/lovelace-home-feed-card', 'www/community/secondaryinfo-entity-row', 'www/community/mini-media-player', 'www/community/vacuum-card', 'www/community/swipe-card', 'www/community/lovelace-google-keep-card', 'www/community/lovelace-valetudo-map-card', 'www/community/scheduler-card', 'www/community/pie-chart-card', 'www/community/alarmo-card', 'www/community/love-lock-card', 'www/community/air-visual-card', 'www/community/canvas-gauge-card', 'www/community/lovelace-auto-entities', 'www/community/frigate-hass-card', 'www/foto-pkg', 'www/icloud3', 'www/doorbell', 'www/icon', 'www/custom-lovelace', 'www/custom-lovelace/upcoming-media-card', 'www/custom-lovelace/upcoming-media-card/images', 'www/custom-lovelace/upcoming-media-card/images/plex', 'www/icons', 'www/icons/venetian-blinds', 'www/icons/fasi_lunari', 'www/airquality', 'www/hassiohelp', 'www/hassiohelp/downloads', 'www/hassiohelp/pkg_elettrodomestici', 'www/hassiohelp/pkg_natural_events']}
> 05-14 06:44:57 [messaging...:0283] _INIT_   Tracking:
>                                            {'username': 'ma...@ra.........', 'password': 'WC..........', 'encode_password': True, 'icloud_server_endpoint_suffix': 'None', 'setup_icloud_session_early': True, 'data_source': 'famshr, mobapp', 'devices': '0'}
> 05-14 06:44:57 [messaging...:0283] _INIT_   General Configuration:
>                                            {'log_level': 'debug-auto-reset', 'unit_of_measurement': 'km', 'time_format': '24-hour', 'display_zone_format': 'fname', 'device_tracker_state_source': 'ic3_fname', 'max_interval': 240, 'offline_interval': 20, 'exit_zone_interval': 3, 'mobapp_alive_interval': 60, 'old_location_threshold': 3, 'old_location_adjustment': 0, 'gps_accuracy_threshold': 100, 'display_gps_lat_long': True, 'travel_time_factor': 0.5, 'tfz_tracking_max_distance': 8, 'passthru_zone_time': 0.5, 'track_from_base_zone_used': True, 'track_from_base_zone': 'home', 'track_from_home_zone': True, 'center_in_zone': False, 'discard_poor_gps_inzone': False, 'distance_between_devices': True, 'inzone_intervals': {'iphone': 120, 'ipad': 120, 'watch': 15, 'airpods': 15, 'no_mobapp': 15, 'other': 120}, 'waze_used': True, 'waze_region': 'row', 'waze_min_distance': 1, 'waze_max_distance': 1000, 'waze_realtime': False, 'waze_history_database_used': True, 'waze_history_max_distance': 20, 'waze_history_track_direction': 'north_south', 'stat_zone_fname': 'StatZon#', 'stat_zone_still_time': 8, 'stat_zone_inzone_interval': 30, 'stat_zone_base_latitude': 1, 'stat_zone_base_longitude': 0, 'display_text_as': ['#1', '#2', '#3', '#4', '#5', '#6', '#7', '#8', '#9', '#10'], 'away_time_zone_1_offset': 0, 'away_time_zone_1_devices': ['none'], 'away_time_zone_2_offset': 0, 'away_time_zone_2_devices': ['none'], 'log_level_devices': ['all']}
>                                            {'country_code': 'IT', 'region_code': '21', 'zip_code': '10143', 'region_name': 'Piedmont', 'city': 'Turin', 'time_zone': 'Europe/Rome', 'latitude': 45.0914, 'longitude': 7.6639, 'use_metric': True}
> 05-14 06:44:57 [messaging...:0283] _INIT_   
> 05-14 06:44:57 [messaging...:0283] _INIT_   
> 05-14 06:44:57 [__init__....:0155] _INIT_   Setting up iCloud3 v3.0.4
> 05-14 06:44:57 [sensor......:1217] _INIT_   Sensor entity created: sensor.icloud3_event_log, #3
> 05-14 06:44:57 [sensor......:1217] _INIT_   Sensor entity created: sensor.icloud3_wazehist_track, #4
> 05-14 06:44:58 [waze........:0073] _INIT_   Set Up Waze > Server-Rest of the World (ROW), CountryCode-IT, MinDist-1km, MaxDist-1000km, Realtime-False, HistoryDatabaseUsed-True
> 05-14 06:44:59 [waze_history:0180] _INIT_   Waze History Database > /config/.storage/icloud3/waze_location_history.db
> 05-14 06:44:59 [start_ic3...:0471] _INIT_   Configure iCloud3 Operations >
>                                                 • Load configuration parameters
>                                                 • Set Display Text As Fields (0 used)
>                                                 • Set Default Tracking Method (iCloud)
>                                                 • Initialize Debug Control (debug-auto-reset)
>                                                 • Set Unit of Measure Formats (km)
>                                                 • Set Event Log Record Limits (1500 Events)
>                                                 • Device Tracker State Value Source 
>                                                  (iCloud3 Zone Friendly Name)
> 05-14 06:44:59 [pyicloud_ic3:0582] _INIT_   AUTHENTICATING iCloud Account Access, ma...@ra........., Service-find
> 05-14 06:45:00 [pyicloud_ic3:0764] _INIT_   Authenticating Service with Credentials, Service-find
> 05-14 06:45:00 [__init__....:0236] _INIT_   START iCloud3 Initial Load Executor Job (iCloud3.start_icloud3)
> 05-14 06:45:00 [start_ic3_co:0041] STAGE1 ⡇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
>                                           ⡇    STAGE 1 > INITIAL PREPARATIONS
>                                           ⡇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
> 05-14 06:45:00  
>                                            ⛔━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
>                                            ⛔    iCloud3 v3.0.4, Tuesday, 2024-05-14 06:45:00
>                                            ⛔━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
> 05-14 06:45:00 [start_ic3_co:0069] _INIT_   Profile:
>                                            {'version': 1, 'ic3_version': '3.0.4', 'version_install_date': '2024-05-03 18:31:44', 'config_update_date': '2024-05-14 06:45:00', 'event_log_version': '3.0.17', 'event_log_version_running': '', 'event_log_card_directory': 'www/icloud3', 'event_log_card_program': 'icloud3-event-log-card.js', 'event_log_btnconfig_url': '/config/integrations/integration/icloud3', 'picture_www_dirs': ['www', 'www/lovelace-flower-card', 'www/lovelace-flower-card/data', 'www/lovelace-flower-card/data/Images', 'www/data', 'www/data/Images', 'www/moon', 'www/community', 'www/community/purifier-card', 'www/community/restriction-card', 'www/community/atomic-calendar-revive', 'www/community/lovelace-slider-entity-row', 'www/community/spotify-card', 'www/community/lovelace-hui-element', 'www/community/vertical-stack-in-card', 'www/community/bar-card', 'www/community/mini-graph-card', 'www/community/entity-attributes-card', 'www/community/lovelace-text-input-row', 'www/community/light-entity-row', 'www/community/banner-card', 'www/community/lovelace-state-switch', 'www/community/cover-element', 'www/community/lovelace-layout-card', 'www/community/lovelace-card-tools', 'www/community/mushroom-strategy', 'www/community/text-divider-row', 'www/community/apexcharts-card', 'www/community/list-card', 'www/community/lovelace-card-mod', 'www/community/lovelace-fold-entity-row', 'www/community/config-template-card', 'www/community/button-card', 'www/community/weather-radar-card', 'www/community/lovelace-multiline-text-input-card', 'www/community/battery-state-card', 'www/community/lovelace-paper-buttons-row', 'www/community/lovelace-multiple-entity-row', 'www/community/surveillance-card', 'www/community/circle-sensor-card', 'www/community/lovelace-mushroom', 'www/community/better-thermostat-ui-card', 'www/community/hass-hue-icons', 'www/community/lovelace-home-feed-card', 'www/community/secondaryinfo-entity-row', 'www/community/mini-media-player', 'www/community/vacuum-card', 'www/community/swipe-card', 'www/community/lovelace-google-keep-card', 'www/community/lovelace-valetudo-map-card', 'www/community/scheduler-card', 'www/community/pie-chart-card', 'www/community/alarmo-card', 'www/community/love-lock-card', 'www/community/air-visual-card', 'www/community/canvas-gauge-card', 'www/community/lovelace-auto-entities', 'www/community/frigate-hass-card', 'www/foto-pkg', 'www/icloud3', 'www/doorbell', 'www/icon', 'www/custom-lovelace', 'www/custom-lovelace/upcoming-media-card', 'www/custom-lovelace/upcoming-media-card/images', 'www/custom-lovelace/upcoming-media-card/images/plex', 'www/icons', 'www/icons/venetian-blinds', 'www/icons/fasi_lunari', 'www/airquality', 'www/hassiohelp', 'www/hassiohelp/downloads', 'www/hassiohelp/pkg_elettrodomestici', 'www/hassiohelp/pkg_natural_events']}
> 05-14 06:45:00 [start_ic3_co:0069] _INIT_   Tracking:
>                                            {'username': 'ma...@ra.........', 'password': 'WC..........', 'encode_password': True, 'icloud_server_endpoint_suffix': 'None', 'setup_icloud_session_early': True, 'data_source': 'famshr, mobapp', 'devices': '0'}
> 05-14 06:45:00 [start_ic3_co:0069] _INIT_   General Configuration:
>                                            {'log_level': 'debug-auto-reset', 'unit_of_measurement': 'km', 'time_format': '24-hour', 'display_zone_format': 'fname', 'device_tracker_state_source': 'ic3_fname', 'max_interval': 240, 'offline_interval': 20, 'exit_zone_interval': 3, 'mobapp_alive_interval': 60, 'old_location_threshold': 3, 'old_location_adjustment': 0, 'gps_accuracy_threshold': 100, 'display_gps_lat_long': True, 'travel_time_factor': 0.5, 'tfz_tracking_max_distance': 8, 'passthru_zone_time': 0.5, 'track_from_base_zone_used': True, 'track_from_base_zone': 'home', 'track_from_home_zone': True, 'center_in_zone': False, 'discard_poor_gps_inzone': False, 'distance_between_devices': True, 'inzone_intervals': {'iphone': 120, 'ipad': 120, 'watch': 15, 'airpods': 15, 'no_mobapp': 15, 'other': 120}, 'waze_used': True, 'waze_region': 'row', 'waze_min_distance': 1, 'waze_max_distance': 1000, 'waze_realtime': False, 'waze_history_database_used': True, 'waze_history_max_distance': 20, 'waze_history_track_direction': 'north_south', 'stat_zone_fname': 'StatZon#', 'stat_zone_still_time': 8, 'stat_zone_inzone_interval': 30, 'stat_zone_base_latitude': 1, 'stat_zone_base_longitude': 0, 'display_text_as': ['#1', '#2', '#3', '#4', '#5', '#6', '#7', '#8', '#9', '#10'], 'away_time_zone_1_offset': 0, 'away_time_zone_1_devices': ['none'], 'away_time_zone_2_offset': 0, 'away_time_zone_2_devices': ['none'], 'log_level_devices': ['all']}
>                                            {'country_code': 'IT', 'region_code': '21', 'zip_code': '10143', 'region_name': 'Piedmont', 'city': 'Turin', 'time_zone': 'Europe/Rome', 'latitude': 45.0914, 'longitude': 7.6639, 'use_metric': True}
> 05-14 06:45:00 [start_ic3_co:0069] _INIT_   
> 05-14 06:45:00 [start_ic3_co:0069] _INIT_   
> 05-14 06:45:00 [waze........:0073] _INIT_   Set Up Waze > Server-Rest of the World (ROW), CountryCode-IT, MinDist-1km, MaxDist-1000km, Realtime-False, HistoryDatabaseUsed-True
> 05-14 06:45:00 [waze_history:0180] _INIT_   Waze History Database > /config/.storage/icloud3/waze_location_history.db
> 05-14 06:45:00 [start_ic3...:0471] _INIT_   Configure iCloud3 Operations >
>                                                 • Load configuration parameters
>                                                 • Set Display Text As Fields (0 used)
>                                                 • Set Default Tracking Method (iCloud)
>                                                 • Initialize Debug Control (debug-auto-reset)
>                                                 • Set Unit of Measure Formats (km)
>                                                 • Set Event Log Record Limits (1500 Events)
>                                                 • Device Tracker State Value Source 
>                                                  (iCloud3 Zone Friendly Name)
> 05-14 06:45:00 [start_ic3_co:0077] _INIT_   iCloud3 Directory > /config/custom_components/icloud3
> 05-14 06:45:00 [start_ic3_co:0081] _INIT_   iCloud3 Configuration File > /config/.storage/icloud3/configuration
> 05-14 06:45:00 [pyicloud_ic3:0360] _INIT_   AUTHENTICTION NEEDED, Status Code -- 421
> 05-14 06:45:00 [start_ic3...:0898] _INIT_   iCloud3 Event Log > 
>                                                 • Current Version Installed-v3.0.17
>                                                 • File-/config/www/icloud3/icloud3-event-log-card.js
> 05-14 06:45:00 [start_ic3_co:0087] _INIT_   LocationInfo-{'country_code': 'IT', 'region_code': '21', 'zip_code': '10143', 'region_name': 'Piedmont', 'city': 'Turin', 'time_zone': 'Europe/Rome', 'latitude': 45.0914, 'longitude': 7.6639, 'use_metric': True}
> 05-14 06:45:00 [time_util...:0412] _INIT_   Local Time Zone Offset > UTC+02:00 hrs, CEST, Country Code-IT
> 05-14 06:45:00 [start_ic3_co:0103] STAGE2 ⡇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
>                                           ⡇    STAGE 2 > PREPARE SUPPORT SERVICES
>                                           ⡇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
> 05-14 06:45:01 [start_ic3...:1115] STAGE2   Set up Zones > zone, Display (fname)
>                                                 • al_lavoro_isp, Al lavoro (ISP) (r35m)
>                                                 • a_milano_centrale, A Milano Centrale (r352m)
>                                                 • a_milano_garibaldi, A Milano Garibaldi (r228m)
>                                                 • a_torino_porta_susa, A Torino Porta Susa (r122m)
>                                                 • all_asilo, Alla Scuola Materna (r73m)
>                                                 • in_piscina, All’ISEF (r79m)
>                                                 • dai_patrilli, Dai Patrilli (r35m)
>                                                 • dai_soralvy, Dai Soralvy (r40m)
>                                                 • da_borello, Da Borello (r12m)
>                                                 • in_banca, In Banca (r39m)
>                                                 • dagli_zii_parisi, Dagli zii Parisi (r46m)
>                                                 • coo, Alla Coop (r145m)
>                                                 • universo_bimbo, Da Universo Bimbo (r100m)
>                                                 • al_lavoro_itt, Al Lavoro (ITT) (r361m)
>                                                 × mcfit, Alla McFit (r100m), Passive Zone
>                                                 • le_gru, Alle Gru (r362m)
>                                                 • sant_anna, Al Sant'Anna (r141m)
>                                                 • all_asilo_nino, All'Asilo Nido (r24m)
>                                                 • etherea, Da Etherea (r24m)
>                                                 • inglese_adele, Inglese Adele (r100m)
>                                                 • allasilo_nido, All’asilo nido  (r100m)
>                                                 • mcfit_2, Alla McFit (r22m)
>                                                 • viridea, Da Viridea (r115m)
>                                                 • al_martini, Al Martini (r100m)
>                                                 • borgata, Borgata Sestiere (r100m)
>                                                 • in_montagna, In Montagna (r31853m)
>                                                 • al_lavoro_itt_2, Al Lavoro (ITT) (r197m)
>                                                 • home, Casa Concordia (r30m)
>                                                 × geoalert, Zona Allerta Geologica (r300000m), Passive Zone
>                                                 × meteoalert, Zona Allerta Meteo (r15000m), Passive Zone
> 05-14 06:45:01 [pyicloud_ic3:0318] STAGE2   iCloud Account Verification Code may be needed (421)
> 05-14 06:45:01 [start_ic3...:1138] STAGE2   Special Zone Setup >
>                                                 • Enter Zone Delay > DelayTime-30 secs
>                                                 • Stationary Zone > Radius-30m, DistMoveLimit-125m, MinDistFromAnotherZone-200m
> 05-14 06:45:01 [waze........:0073] STAGE2   Set Up Waze > Server-Rest of the World (ROW), CountryCode-IT, MinDist-1km, MaxDist-1000km, Realtime-False, HistoryDatabaseUsed-True
> 05-14 06:45:01 [pyicloud_ic3:0794] STAGE2   Checking session token validity
> 05-14 06:45:01 [waze_history:0180] STAGE2   Waze History Database > /config/.storage/icloud3/waze_location_history.db
> 05-14 06:45:01 [start_ic3_co:0141] 🛑       CONFIGURATION ALERT > DEVICES MUST BE SET UP TO ENABLE TRACKING, , 1. Select `Settings > Devices & Services > Integrations`, 2. Select `+Add Integration` to add the iCloud3 integration if it is not dislayed. Then search for `iCloud3`, select it and complete the installation., 3. Select `iCloud3 > Configuration` to open iCloud3 Configure Settings screens., 4. Review and setup the `iCloud Account` and `Update Devices` configuration screens., 5. Exit the configurator and `Restart iCloud3`.
> 05-14 06:45:01 [start_ic3_co:0148] STAGE2   Gb.Zones=[<Zone: not_home>, <Zone: Not_Home>, <Zone: not_set>, <Zone: Not_Set>, <Zone: ──>, <Zone: NotSet>, <Zone: stationary>, <Zone: Stationary>, <Zone: unknown>, <Zone: al_lavoro_isp>, <Zone: a_milano_centrale>, <Zone: a_milano_garibaldi>, <Zone: a_torino_porta_susa>, <Zone: all_asilo>, <Zone: in_piscina>, <Zone: dai_patrilli>, <Zone: dai_soralvy>, <Zone: da_borello>, <Zone: in_banca>, <Zone: dagli_zii_parisi>, <Zone: coo>, <Zone: universo_bimbo>, <Zone: al_lavoro_itt>, <Zone: mcfit>, <Zone: le_gru>, <Zone: sant_anna>, <Zone: all_asilo_nino>, <Zone: etherea>, <Zone: inglese_adele>, <Zone: allasilo_nido>, <Zone: mcfit_2>, <Zone: viridea>, <Zone: al_martini>, <Zone: borgata>, <Zone: in_montagna>, <Zone: al_lavoro_itt_2>, <Zone: home>, <Zone: geoalert>, <Zone: meteoalert>]
> 05-14 06:45:01 [start_ic3_co:0155] STAGE3 ⡇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
>                                           ⡇    STAGE 3 > PREPARE CONFIGURED DEVICES
>                                           ⡇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
> 05-14 06:45:01 [start_ic3_co:0167] STAGE3   Data Sources > FamShr, MobApp
> 05-14 06:45:01 [pyicloud_ic3:0803] STAGE3   Session token is still valid, 2fa Needed-False
> 05-14 06:45:01 [pyicloud_ic3:0654] STAGE3   Authentication completed successfully, method-Password
> 05-14 06:45:01 [pyicloud_ic3:0237] STAGE3   iCloud Acct Auth #1 > Password, Last-00:00:00
> 05-14 06:45:02 [pyicloud_ic3:0054] STAGE3   iCloud Location Services interface > Verified (init)
> 05-14 06:45:02 [start_ic3_co:0185] STAGE3   Gb.Devices=[]
> 05-14 06:45:02 [start_ic3_co:0185] STAGE3   Gb.DevDevices_by_devicename={}
> 05-14 06:45:02 [start_ic3_co:0185] STAGE3   Gb.conf_devicenames=[]
> 05-14 06:45:02 [start_ic3_co:0185] STAGE3   Gb.conf_famshr_devicenames=[]
> 05-14 06:45:02 [start_ic3_co:0195] STAGE4 ⡇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
>                                           ⡇    STAGE 4 > SETUP ICLOUD & MOBAPP DATA SOURCE
>                                           ⡇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
> 05-14 06:45:02 [start_ic3_co:0215] STAGE4   iCloud Account Used > ma...@ra.........
> 05-14 06:45:03 [pyicloud_ic3:0125] STAGE4   iCloud Location Svcs Interface > Started during initialization
>                                                 • All steps completed
> 05-14 06:45:03 [start_ic3...:0612] STAGE4   Checking Mobile App Integration > Loaded, Devices- iPhone di Marco , iPhone di Irene
> 05-14 06:45:04 [start_ic3...:2261] STAGE4   Mobile App Devices > 0 of 0 used by iCloud3
>                                                 ×  iPhone di Marco , iphone_di_marco (iPhone13,1) >
>                                                      ◦Not Assigned to an iCloud3 Device
>                                                 × iPhone di Irene, iphone_di_irene (iPhone14,7) >
>                                                      ◦Not Assigned to an iCloud3 Device
> 05-14 06:45:04 [start_ic3_co:0247] STAGE4   Gb.mobile_app_device_fnames=[' iPhone di Marco ', 'iPhone di Irene']
> 05-14 06:45:04 [start_ic3_co:0247] STAGE4   Gb.mobapp_fnames_x_mobapp_id={'f83278ae1600dbf3f61c74a24a2c5ec7': ' iPhone di Marco ', ' iPhone di Marco ': 'f83278ae1600dbf3f61c74a24a2c5ec7', None: '3c8a65553e0758bd7148c60ec6a9869c', '3c8a65553e0758bd7148c60ec6a9869c': 'iPhone di Irene', 'iPhone di Irene': '3c8a65553e0758bd7148c60ec6a9869c'}
> 05-14 06:45:04 [start_ic3_co:0247] STAGE4   Gb.mobapp_fnames_disabled=[]
> 05-14 06:45:04 [start_ic3_co:0247] STAGE4   _.mobapp_id_by_mobapp_devicename={'iphone_di_marco': 'f83278ae1600dbf3f61c74a24a2c5ec7', 'iphone_di_irene': '3c8a65553e0758bd7148c60ec6a9869c'}
> 05-14 06:45:04 [start_ic3_co:0247] STAGE4   _.mobapp_devicename_by_mobapp_id={'f83278ae1600dbf3f61c74a24a2c5ec7': 'iphone_di_marco', '3c8a65553e0758bd7148c60ec6a9869c': 'iphone_di_irene'}
> 05-14 06:45:04 [start_ic3_co:0247] STAGE4   _.last_updt_trig_by_mobapp_devicename={'iphone_di_marco': 'iphone_di_marco_last_update_trigger', 'iphone_di_irene': 'iphone_di_irene_last_update_trigger'}
> 05-14 06:45:04 [start_ic3_co:0247] STAGE4   _.battery_level_sensors_by_mobapp_devicename={'iphone_di_marco': 'iphone_di_marco_battery_level', 'iphone_di_irene': 'iphone_di_irene_battery_level'}
> 05-14 06:45:04 [start_ic3_co:0247] STAGE4   _.battery_state_sensors_by_mobapp_devicename={'iphone_di_marco': 'iphone_di_marco_battery_state', 'iphone_di_irene': 'iphone_di_irene_battery_state'}
> 05-14 06:45:04 [start_ic3_co:0296] STAGE5 ⡇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
>                                           ⡇    STAGE 5 > DEVICE CONFIGURATION SUMMARY
>                                           ⡇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
> 05-14 06:45:04 [start_ic3_co:0313] STAGE5   Gb.Devices_by_devicename_tracked={}
> 05-14 06:45:04 [start_ic3_co:0313] STAGE5   Gb.Devices_by_devicename_monitored={}
> 05-14 06:45:04 [start_ic3_co:0313] STAGE5   _.inactive_devices=[]
> 05-14 06:45:04 [start_ic3_co:0323] STAGE6 ⡇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
>                                           ⡇    ICLOUD3 INITIALIZATION COMPLETE
>                                           ⡇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
> 05-14 06:45:04 [start_ic3...:2671] STAGE6   StatZones-None
> 05-14 06:45:04 [start_ic3...:2674] STAGE6   Devices-None
> 05-14 06:45:04 [start_ic3...:2682] STAGE6   Zones-not_home, Not_Home, not_set, Not_Set, ──, NotSet, stationary, Stationary, unknown, al_lavoro_isp, a_milano_centrale, a_milano_garibaldi, a_torino_porta_susa, all_asilo, in_piscina, dai_patrilli, dai_soralvy, da_borello, in_banca, dagli_zii_parisi, coo, universo_bimbo, al_lavoro_itt, mcfit, le_gru, sant_anna, all_asilo_nino, etherea, inglese_adele, allasilo_nido, mcfit_2, viridea, al_martini, borgata, in_montagna, al_lavoro_itt_2, home, geoalert, meteoalert
> 05-14 06:45:04 [start_ic3_co:0352] 🛑       The following issues were detected when starting iCloud3. Scroll through the Startup Log for more information: , 1. iCloud3 Integration not set up
> 05-14 06:45:05 [start_ic3_co:0383] 1stLOC   Requesting Initial Locate
> 05-14 06:45:05 [start_ic3_co:0385] 1stLOC ⡇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
>                                           ⡇    ICLOUD3 V3.0.4 > START UP COMPLETE
>                                           ⡇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
> 05-14 06:45:05 [__init__....:0243] ------   iCloud3 v3.0.4 Startup Complete
> 05-14 06:46:05 [config_flow.:4293] CONFIG   Show Form-menu_0, Errors-{'base': 'inactive_no_devices'}
> 05-14 06:46:07 [config_flow.:2600] CONFIG   device_list (None) > UserInput-None, Errors-None
> 05-14 06:46:07 [config_flow.:4293] CONFIG   Show Form-device_list, Errors-{'base': 'inactive_no_devices'}
> 05-14 06:46:09 [config_flow.:2600] CONFIG   device_list (add_device) > UserInput-{}, Errors-None
> 05-14 06:46:10 [config_flow.:4293] CONFIG   Show Form-add_device, Errors-{}
> 05-14 06:46:20 [config_flow.:2854] CONFIG   add_device (None) > UserInput-{'ic3_devicename': 'iphone_marco', 'fname': 'iPhone di Marco', 'device_type': 'iphone', 'tracking_mode': 'track', 'mobapp': True}, Errors-None
> 05-14 06:46:20 [config_flow.:4293] CONFIG   Show Form-update_device, Errors-{}
> 05-14 06:46:30 [service_hand:0214] CONFIG   Service Action Received > Action-export_event_log
> 05-14 06:46:30 [service_hand:0208] CONFIG   Service Action > Action-Export Event Log
Friedi1970 commented 1 month ago

I have exactly the same problem :(

gcobb321 commented 1 month ago

I assume you have tried to add the device but it isn't saved when you try to save it, it just returns to the add screen or another error occurs.

I have updated iCloud3 in the Developers Repository and probably update the iCloud3 repository this weekend.

Unzip icloud3.zip into the icloud3 directory and restart HA. icloud3 v3.0.5.zip

See if this fixed the problem. Let me know.

jokerigno commented 1 month ago

Tried and nothing changed. @Friedi1970 did you have better luck?

gcobb321 commented 1 month ago

@jokerigno What version of iCloud3 v3 are you running? Never mind, scrolled up and saw you are on v3.0.4

jokerigno commented 1 month ago

Updated to 3.0.5 after tested 3.0.4


But maybe due to the fact that it seems it is just me can you point me to the steps to add devices? I want to be 100% sure that I'm doing it right

Friedi1970 commented 1 month ago

Tried and nothing changed. @Friedi1970 did you have better luck?

Well, I deleted the icloud and icloud3 directories from .storage to get rid of previous settings. Additionally I changed my password because it seems something went wrong with the old one since I set up a pass key.

Anyway, now everything works perfectly.

I recommend to delete the old directories in .storage and begin completely new.