Open Eifel-Joe opened 2 days ago
Check the Event Log for status and error messages. Request a verification code after logging in I in the Update Apple Username/Password screen. Look at the log file before that message and look for error response codes from Apple. 200is Ok, 401= invalid password, 409=valid password, see if there is anything enter a password SRP request.
Logfile told me 409, password valid. Thats what i expected. But login used a long time and the window told me an error occured. Nothing in the logfile.
After completly deleting everything of icloud3 in the ui and the rest by hand from the config-directory, i installed the integration again. At first it had the same behavor. After one more hour i had no problems anymore and could log in within a half minute, requested a new code, send the code and everything worked as expected again.
This is what i'm doing for the last three days. Everything is fine and on the next mornig the complete integration won't work. And all i get from the logs is a password valid code, but in the configuration-window of icloud3 it says not logged in and when i try to log in with definitfly correct password the red circle moves for at leat 15 minutes and nothing goes on. It is stuck.
It has to be something related to Apple doing something related to your account. Do you have another account you could try (spouse) to see if that is what is going on. I know there are others with valid passwords that could not let log in. See here for info on that.
Go to Configure Settings > Page 2 > Format Parameters screen and set Log Level to ‘Debug’. Then restart HA. Do what you need to do so it is running.
When it locks up again at midnight and stops working, zip the icloud-0.log and send to Also zip the icloud3-1.log and send to in a different email.
I’ll look at them and see if I can tell what is going on.
I will do as you told me. What i can say by now, is that i don't think it has something to be with my password. Of course the whole integration got stuck this night. But as far as i can read the logs, icloud3 can still log in or is logged in but it gets no more data from icloud. Problems start aroud the time, my router does a new connection to my ISP to prevent a cut off from the ISP during worktime. Of course icloud3 wants exactly during this time new data but don't get them. Since this time all data are old and then around 3 hours later the integration gets stuck. I have to restart icloud3, but for now it does not go further than stage 1 and i'm not able to do anything.
During this day i will setup icloud3 again. But i have to wait a few hours before i can do this. I will send you the logs tomorrow.
And please forgive me for my bad english. I'm german but i will do my best. 😉
I think there is another user with the same issue of a router restart at midnight. This was my reply. See his issue here
It does look like another HA Integration also gets disconnected when your router is rebooted and the http cannot connect with its data source. To fix this, you will need to restart HA after your router is rebooted. I would create an automation to restart HA using the home_assistant.restart Action with the time you want it to restart. There are probably examples in the HA docs.
Ok, i'll try. But this problem first occurred now with the Apple icloud "problem". My router has always disconnects at night and there is no new integration in my system for last 2 month.
Ok, i'll try. But this problem first occurred now with the Apple icloud "problem". My router has always disconnects at night and there is no new integration in my system for last 2 month.
Yes, but Apple changed how they're authenticating and the router restarts may be aggravating their new methods.
Just read the other issue. With a simple restart of HA i can not fix the problem.
Also the whole icloud integration won't do anything. After a few hours icloud3 says that i'm not logged in. When i try log in again it won't do anything visible for at least 15 minutes and then it says an error occured. In the log it see code 409, which you told it is valid password. This is the point when i completly removed the integration the last few days. Also everything in all directorys. After a normal installtion through HACS i just configure icloud3 and everything is working fine again.
At next i will set the debug log and try to automate a restart after reconnect the ISP. If it will fail again i send you the logs tommorrow.
@JtwoA This may be a reason, but why does the integration stall after a few hours.
but why does the integration stall after a few hours.
Because Apple is doing something with the login TTL? I don't know. I know from my day job that Apple has been messing with the ciphers. TOO much change happening.
@gcobb321 Send the logs to you this morning.
Still same problem as every morning for me. What i did is to pause location tracking before disconnection to my ISP by an automation. After reconnection i did an automated restart of HA. Since then icloud3 was not able to log in my account and stops working. Even if i try to log in through the configuration window of icloud3 nothing happens. I stuck in this window with a rotation blue circle in the lower right corner of the window and quits after at least 5 minutes with the message "Unknown error occurred".
Because Apple is doing something with the login TTL? I don't know. I know from my day job that Apple has been messing with the ciphers. TOO much change happening.
Ok, i don't know much about those things but if something has changed it should be changed the whole time and not only in morning after a restart of HA. When i'm back from work in the evening and after deleting everything from my system to reinstall icloud3 an reconfigure everything works again. If something has changed, it should also be changed at this time. But no, i can log in, get my verification code and can send it back. Even my devices can be tracked. This whole procedure doesn't make sense. It looks just as they change something every morning and change back in the evening. And looking at other people using icloud3, it seems they are just changing for me. 😅
@Eifel-Joe It is not necessary to delete the iCloud3 integration and readd it. All that does is to reinstall the same code you just removed. What exactly are you deleting? icloud3 directory which contains the configuration parameters? _icloud3.appleacct which contains the Apple cookies and session info? Deleting the cookies and session info causes your password to be reversed instead of using the existing trust tokens.
If it is only happening for you (and maybe someone else) and you both are rebooting your router at midnight, that would make me think that is the root cause of the problem. Can you reboot it at a different time?
@gcobb321 I delete everything you mentioned. Otherwise i can not log in. I tried different scenarios, but no one works except that one with deleting all. Can't understand it either because same code ist reinstalled.
My router is rebooting between 4-5am german time. I think that has to be UTC+2. I can try somewhere between 1-4am, maybe 5-6am also. Otherwise my wife...... You know smarthome and women sometimes can be difficult because of the wife acceptence factor. 😅
@gcobb321 Because of deleting icloud3.apple_acct i now understand why it takes such a long time before it will work again. But without deleting i'm still unable to log in. Thats the point when the integration stucks and the unknown error occures.
I never received the Log files you sent. Could you send them again.
@gcobb321 They are out again. I send them at
iCloud3 ist still not working for me.
Since the problem with Apple started i did every update for icloud3. Actually running on 3.1.3. It works for a few hours and then stops. iCloud3 says not logged into Apple account and i'm not able to log in again. I have to delete everything, wait a few hours and reconfigure icloud3 from scratch to start working again. But only for a few hours until it says again not logged in.
I do not know to do now.