gcollazo / BrowserRefresh-Sublime

This plugin will switch from ST2 and ST3 to Google Chrome, Google Chrome Canary, Safari, Firefox or Opera and reload the active tab
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Chrome not opening on using combination Ctrl+Shift+R (windows) #87

Open itaditya opened 8 years ago

itaditya commented 8 years ago


I just downloaded Browser Refresh on Sublime Text 2 and it's not working when I have a doc open in Chrome. When I press command+shift+r (i am on windows so i use Ctrl+Shift+R ) it saves the file but does not switch to Chrome and refresh. Am using Chrome version

Any suggestions?

My current config is

{ "keys": ["command+shift+r"], "command": "browser_refresh", "args": { "auto_save": true, "delay": 0.5, "activate": true, "browsers" : ["chrome"] } } ]

jamesscaggs commented 8 years ago

Same here, just installed today and same issue.

urbgimtam commented 8 years ago

I'm on Windows 10, Sublime Text 3. No problems here.

{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+r"], "command": "browser_refresh", "args": { "auto_save": true, "delay": 0.5, "activate": true, "browsers" : ["chrome"] } }

baherdev commented 8 years ago

it works only on sublime Text3

kailynnelson commented 5 years ago

I'm on ST3 still having the issue

kailynnelson commented 5 years ago

Weird -- changed to

[ { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+r"], "command": "browser_refresh", "args": { "auto_save": true, "delay": 0.5, "activate": true, "browsers" : ["chrome"] } } ]


[ { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+r"], "command": "browser_refresh", "args": { "auto_save": true, "delay": 0.0, "activate": true, "browsers" : ["chrome"] } } ]

(delay to 0.5) and it works.