gcollazo / BrowserRefresh-Sublime

This plugin will switch from ST2 and ST3 to Google Chrome, Google Chrome Canary, Safari, Firefox or Opera and reload the active tab
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[Feature Request] toggle for return of focus? #99

Open iansebryk opened 6 years ago

iansebryk commented 6 years ago

if this isn't doable, that's totally cool. it's a flow optimization thing for me. when the browser is refreshed, it becomes the foreground app. anyway is is possible to toggle a return of focus to ST? the scenario i have in mind is CSS tuning: lots of client-leaning-over-shoulder-poking and it would be nice to be able to strictly iterate without haveing to manually come back to ST everytime we update. as a toggle, this could be turned off when i've updated and want to futz with the new page.

as i said, this is flow optimization, and i'm not even sure if it's doable, but if so, it would be magnificent. :) this plugin is a staple for my workflow now (RIP LiveReload). thanks for all your excelllent work. :)