gcorgnet / sensor.emby_upcoming_media

Home Assistant component to feed Upcoming Media Card with the latest releases on an Emby instance.
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No Emby sensor #15

Open jgeorge1983 opened 3 years ago

jgeorge1983 commented 3 years ago

Hey all,

I may be going crazy, but I have configured my YAML and it seems correct, HomeAssistant code check confirms its correct. But there is no emby sensor in my entities?

  - platform: systemmonitor
      - type: disk_use_percent
        arg: /home
      - type: memory_free
      - type: disk_use_percent
      - type: memory_use_percent
      - type: processor_use
      - type: processor_temperature
  - platform: emby_upcoming_media
    api_key: my api
    user_id: my uid
    host: my ip
    port: 8096
    ssl: True
    max: 5
    use_backdrop: true
    - Movies
    - TV Shows

The api is fresh, and the UID is pulled from my user profile.

Checking my lovelace resources and there is the upcoming media card resource.

I also added a manual card to a lovelace view:

type: 'custom:upcoming-media-card'
entity: sensor.sensor.emby_latest_movie

But no data is pulled through. All on the same network, homeassisant is on a docker install if that makes a difference?

kingy444 commented 3 years ago

have you checked your sensor is actually sensor.sensor.emby_latest_movie

Given the name of your include filter i would expect sensor.emby_latest_movies (note only one sensor and the additional s on the end)

if you have a Tv Shows library that sensor would be sensor.emby_latest_tv_shows

ChristophCaina commented 2 years ago


  1. the "sensor.sensor.xyz" is probably wrong in the readmy document here (probably a copy&paste error) grafik

But anyway - I also can't find any of my sensors from upcoming media :-/

jgeorge1983 commented 2 years ago

Thanks Christoph, i have had this working now. I had an error in my logs that when i logged into it the fix was obvious. From memory there was another sensor before these which was stoping the config from moving on. Anyways the below is that i have for my media card

type: custom:upcoming-media-card
entity: sensor.emby_latest_movies
title: Movies
type: custom:upcoming-media-card
entity: sensor.emby_latest_tv
title: Latest TV

and this is what i have in my config.yaml

- platform: emby_upcoming_media
  port: XXXX
  ssl: False
  max: 5
  use_backdrop: true
  - Movies
  - TV

And that all works now, hope that helps

madjeff commented 2 years ago

I've been struggling with this all day and cannot seem to get the Emby card working. No matter what I do, the sensors.emby_xx sensors are never created and do not show up in the DevTools. Sonarr ones are all there and fine and card works correctly.

I've installed and reinstalled from HACS 3 times. Triple-checked that the Emby API and User keys are correct. No errors in HA logs that I can find. all the files are located in the custom_components\emby_upcoming_media folder and look fine. Configs are setup exactly as jgeorge above with the correct api and userid in place. I've tried host by IP and fqdn, port is correct.

The frustrating thing is my Sonarr card works perfectly. Is anyone else having issues?

jgeorge1983 commented 2 years ago

Hey, mine is still working with the above set up. Is yours the same as that?

I had a broken sensor that was causing issues previously

madjeff commented 2 years ago

I'll be honest, this is my first go with Home Assistant, but with 30 years in IT not a noob to configuring projects. =)

Yeah, I have the exact same config except for the userid/api/host as above. I even created a second API key on Emby just in case (first one was in use by the stock Emby media player config entries) and have rechecked the info a dozen times. Whatever I do, no sensors are created for query.

madjeff commented 2 years ago

Just for grins, here's the entry for both Sonarr and Emby in the configuration.yaml file:

` sensor:

jgeorge1983 commented 2 years ago

I’m the same, whole adult life has been in IT. But messing around with the config sometimes fills me with chils.

I would just check your log for any errors.

also if you go into server controls >>> check config and see if it throws any errors?

jgeorge1983 commented 2 years ago

What happens if you remove the sonar sensor all together? Does that have any effect on the Emby card working?

madjeff commented 2 years ago

That's odd, code formatting didn't work. Indenting and syntax is correct in the file. =)

Nothing in the logs, at least pertaining to the integration. I may have to step away from it for a bit, been banging my head for hours. Frustrating as the Sonarr card is working flawless.

jgeorge1983 commented 2 years ago

It can drive you crazy. The only other thing I can think is maybe you need to add the: Include:

madjeff commented 2 years ago

Just tried taking the Sonarr entries out, and also swapped so Emby was the last entry in the sensor section, no changes on either.

I also tried with both with and without the Includes.

I'm assuming that the sensors should be listed in the sensor list regardless of if the cars are created or not. If I blow away the cards I can still see the Sonarr sensors in the list, but there is never any emby ones.

Shoot, I even pulled my Emby media player section from the config just to make sure there wasn't a conflict, even though the page says it doesn't conflict.

jgeorge1983 commented 2 years ago

Have you done a ctrl+f on your log for Emby and see if anything shows up? I know you can’t see anything related to the integration but all I can think to see if Emby shows in there.

yeh sensors should show up regardless of the card.

failing that hope someone more knowledgable that mean shows up with some ideas

kingy444 commented 2 years ago

It can drive you crazy. The only other thing I can think is maybe you need to add the: Include:

  • Movies
  • Tv

One thing to remember here and is a gotcha for a lot of people

adding the include means only those items will be included and if named wrong then they won’t be

this is not ‘I want movies imported’ and ‘I want tv imported’ These are library names from emby

so for instance I have a library ‘movies - general’ and ‘movies - kids’ so mine is and my tv library is not just called ‘tv’ either


madjeff commented 2 years ago

That's why I've had the group libraries set to true to keep things simple for now. But as I said, it's not a matter of the card not seeing the sensors, there's no sensors created that's the issue. We should be seeing sensors.emby_latest_tv_shows and sensors.emby_latest_movies and I've got no sensors with those names, or sensors.emby anything.

kingy444 commented 2 years ago

That's why I've had the group libraries set to true to keep things simple for now. But as I said, it's not a matter of the card not seeing the sensors, there's no sensors created that's the issue. We should be seeing sensors.emby_latest_tv_shows and sensors.emby_latest_movies and I've got no sensors with those names, or sensors.emby anything.

I’ll need to have a look at my confit - been ages since I worked on the plug-in - but just a thought

have you tried the ip of the server instead of the fqdn you have above in case the ha host isn’t resolving the dns name ?

kingy444 commented 2 years ago

Just remotes in home and intentionally ‘broke’ mine and confirmed if there are no items then no sensors are created

will need to look at debug logging etc as I said I haven’t looked for a while and I’m not the original author just a contributer

but my first thought would be HA is not receiving the information from emby to create the sensors

madjeff commented 2 years ago

That's why I've had the group libraries set to true to keep things simple for now. But as I said, it's not a matter of the card not seeing the sensors, there's no sensors created that's the issue. We should be seeing sensors.emby_latest_tv_shows and sensors.emby_latest_movies and I've got no sensors with those names, or sensors.emby anything.

I’ll need to have a look at my confit - been ages since I worked on the plug-in - but just a thought

have you tried the ip of the server instead of the fqdn you have above in case the ha host isn’t resolving the dns name ?

Yeah, tried both IP and internal FQDN, didn't seem to make a difference.

Let me know if there's anything I can get for you as far as logs or other info.

avispa4291 commented 1 year ago

hello, I'm getting this error Platform error sensor.emby_upcoming_media - Integration 'emby_upcoming_media' not found. I think I have everything installed through HACS correctly but obviously I don't any help would be appreciated

Edit: I got rid of the error but I still only get a blank card when I try to add it, not sure what the issue is

here is what I have: In the card: type: custom:upcoming-media-card entity: sensor.emby_upcoming_media title: Emby

In the config.yaml: sensor:

It just seems that the sensor wont show up, I cant figure this out