This is a Torch implementation of ["Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition",Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, Jian Sun]( the winners of the 2015 ILSVRC and COCO challenges.
Hello everyone, I met a problem about unexpected output behaviour of batch normalisation layer or Cadd table.
I would like to investigate the output of these layers with layer.output attribute, but I found this unexpected behaviour: if the layer is followed by a relu unit, then the output of that layer will be the same as relu (non-negative).
For example, in the residual nets, there are two types of arrangements -batch normalisation layer with and without relu unit following. For those without relu following, they behave as expected (have negative value). However, those with relu following, the output that should be negative becoms zero.
Does anyone know what is happening there? Thank you a lot.
Hello everyone, I met a problem about unexpected output behaviour of batch normalisation layer or Cadd table.
I would like to investigate the output of these layers with layer.output attribute, but I found this unexpected behaviour: if the layer is followed by a relu unit, then the output of that layer will be the same as relu (non-negative).
For example, in the residual nets, there are two types of arrangements -batch normalisation layer with and without relu unit following. For those without relu following, they behave as expected (have negative value). However, those with relu following, the output that should be negative becoms zero.
Does anyone know what is happening there? Thank you a lot.