gctools-outilsgc / gcconnex

A social network based on Elgg
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GCCollab - Prototyping Backend #2482

Open LecCory opened 1 year ago

LecCory commented 1 year ago

I have created a few basic function app endpoints. The functions read and write to a Cosmos DB via the Gremlin API

URL: https://devgcx-gccollab-apim.azure-api.net/api/

Required params passed in request body Vertex is auto timestamped and included as a property

    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "username": "jdoe",
    "email": "jdoe@gmail.com",
    "mobile": "555-555-5555"

Required params passed either in the body, or as query params


    "data": {
        "firstName": [
        "lastName": [
        "email": [
        "username": [
        "mobile": [
        "registeredAt": [
        "status": [
            1 //Active
        "isAdmin": [

Required params passed in request body


Required query params or in request body


    "data": [
            "friendStatus": {
                "status": 1 //Requested not yet accepted by target
            "friendInfo": {
                "username": [

Required params passed in request body Vertex is auto timestamped and included as a property The slug URL is created by passing the title into a helper function that does the conversion.

    "username":"jdoe", //name of the logged in user
    "title":"this is the name of my group",
    "summary":"this group is for testing purposes",
    "status": 1, //Active
    "pub":1 //Group is public 0 = private


While the handful of endpoints were written in node leveraging the gremlin library to communicate with the Cosmos back end. I came across a few issues.

  1. The documentation for nodeJS implementations of gremlin is lacking at least from my research, so it makes it complicated when trying to find answers or solutions.
  2. It appears that newer gremlin functions like elementMap() are not available in CosmosDB. This has resulted in longer more convoluted queries.
  3. There's no way to enforce schema validation like you would in a mongoDB or SQL schema. Vertices only have 3 datatypes in CosmosDB (string, number, bool)
  4. The queries read nicely, once they're written but coming up with them has been very difficult due to the lack of documentation and the complexity of what documentation is available.

It would be my suggestion as I personally have a little more experience with MongoDB and the Cosmos MongoDB API that we consider using MongoDB. We can still write graph queries, but we'd have better control over the schema and have access to better documentation. I feel that Gremlin has been properly evaluated, but I don't feel that it should be the solution we present to IMTD.

vid commented 1 year ago

From some quick research, MongoDB has a basic graph function, $graphLookup[1], but its performance is not comparable to a real graph database[2].

There are workarounds to the missing functions like elementMap[3], though they make queries more convuluted.

If we went with MongoDB, we would go with a well supported solution, but it would simply not be able to practically do things graph databases can, which is a central feature in a forward-looking social communication system, at least without writing a lot of code to flatten relationships. If we went with Gremlin, we would have to spend more time working around Microsoft's shortcomings in implementation and documentation, but we would have access to powerful graph functions.

Could we take a hybrid approach, where we use CosmosDB's Gremlin functionality for relationships, and its MongoDB functionality for everything else, using the same identifiers? Or would that be the same as managing two databases? I am not sure if we can access the same data using different query systems.

  1. https://www.mongodb.com/databases/mongodb-graph-database
  2. https://www.arangodb.com/2018/02/nosql-performance-benchmark-2018-mongodb-postgresql-orientdb-neo4j-arangodb/, https://medium.com/mongodb-performance-tuning/optimising-graph-lookups-in-mongodb-49483afb55c8
  3. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62589698/azure-cosmos-db-gremlin-elementmap
vid commented 1 year ago

We should also book an appointment with @microsoft, since we pay for them as a resource, to see if they will talk about any immediate plans for Gremlin support.

There are a few other options, such as using Cassandra, which is a big data query system which many systems build on, though I am not sure it's meant for real time queries.

vid commented 1 year ago

Here's an example of why we want good graph database features: You see a group of 20 people collaborating on a topic, don't know anyone. But want to know your closest connection to that group; "who do I know or who's in a group I've worked with that is closest to this topic." This is the kind of query graph databases excel at, but are impossible with databases like Mongo, even with its graph extension, after a few degrees. And we would want this kind of feature to work for 100k+ users.

To clarify, using a service approach, we can use Gremlin for the open source option, and ClippyShortest path for Azure. The important point would be to use consistent identifiers for the data, which also enables SEO and the larger ecosystem of Linked Data.

vid commented 1 year ago

Since we need search anyway, there is a backend for JanusGraph (a big data graph database) for ElasticSearch.

LecCory commented 1 year ago

Endpoints created, however these endpoints are not wired up to a database

Endpoint Info
accept_post accept_post
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
add_colleague add_colleague
params: profileemail, user, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
apply_post apply_post
params: user, message, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
approve_colleague approve_colleague
params: profileemail, user, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
auth_gettoken auth_gettoken
params: username, password
No API authentication required
No user authentication required
create_opportinities1 create_opportinities1
params: user, formData, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
create_opportinities2 create_opportinities2
params: user, formData, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
create_opportinities3 create_opportinities3
params: user, formData, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
decline_colleague decline_colleague
params: profileemail, user, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
delete_post delete_post
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
edit_wire edit_wire
params: user, message, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
entity_url fetch_entity_url
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
event_add_calendar event_add_calendar
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
gc_invite talent_cloud_invite
params: email, en_message, fr_message
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_blog get_api_entity
params: id
No API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_blogedit get_blog_edit
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_blogpost get_blogpost
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_blogposts get_blogposts
params: user, limit, offset, filters, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_blogpostsbycolleague get_blogposts_by_colleague
params: user, limit, offset, filters, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_blogpostsbycontainer get_blogposts_by_container
params: user, guid, limit, offset, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_blogpostsbyowner get_blogposts_by_owner
params: user, limit, offset, filters, lang, target
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_bookmark get_bookmark
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_bookmarks get_bookmarks
params: user, limit, offset, filters, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_bookmarksbyuser get_bookmarks_by_owner
params: user, limit, offset, filters, lang, target
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_bookmarkscolleague get_bookmarks_colleague
params: user, limit, offset, filters, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_colleaguerequests get_colleague_requests
params: user, limit, offset, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_commentsall get_comments_all
params: user, guid, limit, offset, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_discussion get_discussion
params: user, guid, thread, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_discussionedit get_discussion_edit
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_discussions get_discussions
params: user, limit, offset, filters, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_doc get_doc
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_docs get_docs
params: user, limit, offset, filters, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_event get_event
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_events get_events
params: user, from, to, limit, offset, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_eventsbycolleagues get_events_by_colleagues
params: user, from, to, limit, offset, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_eventsbyowner get_events_by_owner
params: user, target, from, to, limit, offset, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_fields get_register_fields
params: none
No API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_file get_file
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_group get_group
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_group_member_list get_group_member_list
params: group_guid, offset, limit, name
No API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_groupactivity get_group_activity
params: user, guid, limit, offset, lang, api_version
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_groupblogs get_group_blogs
params: user, guid, limit, offset, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_groupdiscussions get_group_discussions
params: user, guid, limit, offset, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_groupdocs get_group_docs
params: user, guid, limit, offset, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_groupevents get_group_events
params: user, guid, limit, offset, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_groupfiles get_group_files
params: user, guid, limit, offset, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_groups get_groups
params: user, limit, offset, filters, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_members get_members
params: user, limit, offset, filters, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_memberscolleague get_members_colleague
params: profileemail, user, limit, offset, filters,lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_message get_message
params: user, guid, thread, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_messages get_messages
params: user, limit, offset, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_messagescount get_messages_count
params: user, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_newsfeed get_newsfeed
params: user, limit, offset, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_notifications get_notifications
params: user, limit, offset, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_notificationscount get_notifications_count
params: user, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_opportunities get_opportunities
params: user, limit, offset, filters, lang
API authentication required No user authentication required
get_opportunity get_opportunity
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_profile get_api_profile
params: id
No API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_profile_by_gcid get_api_profile_gcid
params: gcid
No API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_seecalendar get_see_calendar
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_sentmessages get_sent_messages
params: user, limit, offset, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_sentmessagescount get_sent_messages_count
params: user, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_skills get_api_skillList
params: count
No API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_user get_user_data
params: profileemail, user, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_useractivity get_user_activity
params: profileemail, user, limit, offset, lang,api_version
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_userexists get_user_exists
params: user, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_usergroups get_user_groups
params: profileemail, user, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_wire get_wire_posts
params: query, limit
No API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_wirepost get_wirepost
params: user, guid, thread, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_wireposts get_wireposts
params: user, limit, offset, filters, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_wirepostsbycolleagues get_wirepostsbycolleagues
params: user, limit, offset, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
get_wirepostsbyuser get_wirepostsbyuser
params: profileemail, user, limit, offset, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
group_decline decline_group_invite
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
group_invite invite_group_member
params: profileemail, user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
group_invitemembers invite_group_members
params: profileemail, user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
group_join join_group_function
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
group_leave leave_group_function
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
group_members get_groups_members
params: user, guid, limit, offset, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
group_stats get_group_data
params: type, group, lang
No API authentication required
No user authentication required
like_count like_count
params: guid, user, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
like_item like_item
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
like_users like_users
params: guid, user, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
login_sso login_sso
params: email, sub, lang
No API authentication required
No user authentication required
login_user login_user
params: user, password, lang
No API authentication required
No user authentication required
login_userforchat login_user_for_chat
params: user, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
login_userfordocs login_user_for_docs
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
login_userforurl login_user_for_url
params: user, url, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
member_stats get_member_data
params: type, lang
No API authentication required
No user authentication required
post_discussion post_discussion
params: user, title, message, container_guid,access, open, topic_guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
post_wire post_wire
params: user, message, image, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
profile_create profileCreate
params: data
API authentication required
No user authentication required
profile_get get_api_profile
params: id
No API authentication required
No user authentication required
profile_update profileUpdate
params: id, data
API authentication required
No user authentication required
query_posts query_the_posts
params: user, password, object, query, group,guid, limit, offset, from_date, to_date, lang
No API authentication required
No user authentication required
read_message read_message
params: user, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
register_user register_new_user
params: userdata, lang
No API authentication required
No user authentication required
remove_colleague remove_colleague
params: profileemail, user, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
reply_message reply_message
params: user, message, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
reply_wire reply_wire
params: user, message, guid, image, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
revoke_colleague revoke_colleague
params: profileemail, user, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
save_blog save_blog
params: user, title, excerpt, body, container_guid,blog_guid, comments, access, status, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
save_event save_event
params: user, title, body, startdate, starttime,enddate, endtime, venue, room, allday,web_conference, url, additionnal, fees,contact_checkbox, contact_text,contact_email_text, contact_phone_text,picker_language, container_guid, event_guid,comments, access, status, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
search_user_skills search_user_api_skills
params: skills
No API authentication required
No user authentication required
send_message send_message
params: user, touser, subject, message, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
share_post share_post
params: user, message, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
site_stats get_site_data
params: type, lang
No API authentication required
No user authentication required
submit_comment submit_comment
params: user, guid, message, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required
system_api_list list_all_apis
params: none
No API authentication required
No user authentication required
time_stats get_time_data
params: type, lang
No API authentication required
No user authentication required
withdraw_post withdraw_post
params: user, message, guid, lang
API authentication required
No user authentication required