gcv / julia-snail

An Emacs development environment for Julia
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[Problem] cannot open julia snail #103

Closed nesteiner closed 1 year ago

nesteiner commented 1 year ago


take a look at this, I don't know what's going on

nesteiner commented 1 year ago

this is my configure code, it suddenly turn into that, I don't know how

(use-package julia-mode
  :hook (julia-mode . julia-snail-mode)
  (setq julia-repl-switches nil
    julia-snail-extra-args nil
    julia-indent-offset 2)

  (setenv "JULIA_PKG_SERVER" "https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/julia")
  (setq-default julia-snail-extra-args "--sysimage /home/steiner/.julia/images/julia-dev.so")
  (setq-default julia-snail-executable "/home/steiner/.local/bin/julia")

  :commands julia-snail-mode)

(provide 'init-julia)
gcv commented 1 year ago

Is there anything interesting in *Messages*? What happens when you run

$ /home/steiner/.local/bin/julia --sysimage /home/steiner/.julia/images/julia-dev.so

directly in the shell?

nesteiner commented 1 year ago

nope. it works well

gcv commented 1 year ago

What is the output in Emacs of calling the (julia-snail--launch-command) function (using M-: or ielm)? Can you run that exact command from the shell?

nesteiner commented 1 year ago


here you are

gcv commented 1 year ago

So just running Julia with your image works, but combining the image with the JuliaSnail.jl does not, rIght? What happens if you omit the image?

$ /home/steiner/.local/bin/julia -L /home/steiner/.emacs.d/elpa/julia-snail-20220722.547/JuliaSnail.jl
nesteiner commented 1 year ago


hang on please image

gcv commented 1 year ago

Since the image works when separated from Snail, and Snail works when separated from the image, it looks like a dependency incompatibility between your image and Snail. The error message above suggests (re)installing XML2. Maybe start there? You should probably rebuild your image and make sure it includes the latest Snail (as well as the XML2 dependency, though I do not know where it comes from).

I never managed to get Julia images working correctly (see #84), so I don't have more specific help to offer.

nesteiner commented 1 year ago

no no no, I upload the wrong image, it is here image

I have fix it, the image is not updated, after updating, everything works well

gcv commented 1 year ago
