gcv / julia-snail

An Emacs development environment for Julia
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I don't think put evaluate result above cursor is a good idea #96

Closed nesteiner closed 2 years ago

nesteiner commented 2 years ago


when the result is too large, the frame can't hold it and it can just ignore lots of content, so can you give some adjustment ?

gcv commented 2 years ago

Try setting julia-snail-popup-display-eval-results to :change. It restricts the popup to a single line.

If that's not what you want, what kind of adjustment do you have in mind? User configurable maximum width and height for the popup? Or something more sophisticated?

nesteiner commented 2 years ago

I have set that, and found something wrong

error in process filter: julia-snail--server-response-filter: No catch for tag: julia-snail--server-filter-error, (args-out-of-range 229 229)

this is the error i meet

nesteiner commented 2 years ago

by the way, even I don' set the julia-snail-popup-display-eval-results, the result is the same
and why there are two frame ? I think it should disappear when press any key

gcv commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure what is going on. Maybe you have some stale .elc files floating around? Please uninstall Snail fully (make sure its directory is gone), restart Emacs, and reinstall Snail. Also, please post your exact configuration for Snail and julia-mode. Also, what version of Emacs are you on?

nesteiner commented 2 years ago

I think I found the problem, this is the code after modified

(use-package julia-mode
  :hook (julia-mode . julia-snail-mode)
  (setq julia-repl-switches nil
    julia-snail-extra-args nil
    julia-indent-offset 2
    ;; julia-snail-popup-display-eval-results :change
    julia-snail-executable "/home/steiner/.local/bin/julia")
  (setenv "JULIA_PKG_SERVER" "https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/julia")
  (setq-default julia-snail-extra-args "--sysimage /home/steiner/.julia/images/julia-dev.so")
  :commands julia-snail-mode)

just comment the julia-snail-popup-display-eval-results is ok

gcv commented 2 years ago

Maybe your session ended up in a bad state? The following code will clean it up:

(cl-loop for popup in julia-snail--popups do (popup-delete popup))
gcv commented 2 years ago

Please reopen if I need to look into this again.