Open gdalle opened 1 month ago
using SparseMatrixColorings
# Rectangle matrix
m = 20
n = 30
p = 2
J = zeros(m,n)
for i = 1:p
J[i,:] .= rand()
for i = m-p+1:m
J[i,:] .= rand()
for j = 1:p
J[:,j] .= rand()
for j = n-p+1:n
J[:,j] .= rand()
J = sparse(J)
H = [0*I J'; J 0*I]
# rectangle -- star bicoloring
problem = ColoringProblem(; structure=:nonsymmetric,
order = NaturalOrder()
algo = GreedyColoringAlgorithm(order;
result = coloring(J, problem, algo)
rcolors = row_colors(result)
ccolors = column_colors(result)
num_colors = ncolors(result)
Br, Bc = compress(J, result)
# H2[i,j] is the color of the column j of H.
# Because of the shape of H:
# - If the column j of H represents a column of J (1 ≤ j ≤ n),
# H2[i,j] stores the color of the row `i-n` of J such that J[i-n,j] != 0.
# - If the column j of H represents a row of J (n+1 ≤ j ≤ n+m),
# H2[i,j] stores the color of the column `i` of J such that J[j-n,i] != 0.
H2 = copy(H)
for j in 1:n+m
for index in H2.colptr[j] : H2.colptr[j+1]-1
i = H2.rowval[index]
if i > n
H2.nzval[index] = rcolors[i-n]
H2.nzval[index] = ccolors[i]
H2 = Int.(H2)
# `checker` is a vector of size `num_colors` that will store, for a given column `j` of H,
# the number of times each color is used in `rcolors` or `ccolors`.
# `checker[c]` stores the number of times that color `c` appears in column `j` of H2.
# If each non-zero entry in column `j` of H2 has a different color
# (checker[c] <= 1 for all c), it means we can use a neutral color 0.
# This implies that all non-zero entries in the column `j` of H can be recovered from the rows `i` of H where H[i, j] != 0.
checker = Vector{Int}(undef, num_colors)
# List of columns of H that be colored with the neutral colors 0.
neutral_columns = Int[]
# Here, we need to loop through the list of columns that don't have a diagonal entry H[k,k].
# This means all columns for bicoloring, but it could also be used on a subset of columns
# in more traditional star coloring for symmetric matrices!
for j in 1:n+m
fill!(checker, 0)
nnz_col = H2.colptr[j+1] - H2.colptr[j]
neutral = true
index = 1
pos = H2.colptr[j] - 1
while neutral && index ≤ nnz_col
color = H2.nzval[pos+index]
if checker[color] != 0
neutral = false
checker[color] += 1
index += 1
if neutral
push!(neutral_columns, j)
# Use `neutral_columns` to set the neutral color 0 in `rcolors` and `colors`.
for val in neutral_columns
if val ≤ n
ccolors[val] = 0
rcolors[val-n] = 0
# Remark: We can't avoid storing `H2` in a more efficient implementation.
@gdalle I did some plots and it seems to do (almost) what we want:
[rectangle] The number of colors before preprocessing is 10.
[rectangle] The number of colors after preprocessing is 8.
[arrowhead] The number of colors before preprocessing is 22.
[arrowhead] The number of colors after preprocessing is 20.
We can see in the last figure that some non-zeros are not colored, probably because we need to consider the previous neutral colors.
If we have a square matrix with an unsmart coloring that assigns a distinct color to each row and each column, the post-processing will set the neutral color for everyone, because each column can be recovered from all rows and vice versa. Each row can be also recovered from all columns.
We need some way to detect useless colors