gdamore / tree-sitter-d

D Grammar for Tree Sitter
MIT License
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Grammar railroad diagram #17

Closed mingodad closed 9 months ago

mingodad commented 1 year ago

Using this script (with quickjs) and with some manual fixes we can have a navigable railroad diagram.

Copy and paste the EBNF shown bellow on on the tab Edit Grammar the click on the tab View Diagram to see/download a navigable railroad diagram.

// From tree-sitter-d/src/grammar.json
// EBNF to generate railroad diagram at
source_file ::=  ( _bom |  shebang ) ?  ( module_def |  _declaration*  ) 
_bom ::=  '' 
//identifier ::=  [_\p{XID_Start}][\p{XID_Continue}]*
token_string ::=  'q{'  _token_string_tokens?  '}' 
_token_string_tokens ::=  _token_string_token+ 
_token_string_token ::=  ( '{'  _token_string_tokens?  '}'  )  |  _token_no_braces
_token_no_braces ::=  identifier |  string_literal |  char_literal |  int_literal |  float_literal |  keyword |  '/'  |  '/='  |  '.'  |  '..'  |  '...'  |  '&'  |  '&='  |  '&&'  |  '|'  |  '|='  |  '||'  |  '-'  |  '-='  |  '--'  |  '+'  |  '+='  |  '++'  |  '<'  |  '<='  |  '<<'  |  '<<='  |  '>'  |  '>='  |  '>>='  |  '>>>='  |  '>>'  |  '>>>'  |  '!'  |  '!='  |  '('  |  ')'  |  '['  |  ']'  |  '?'  |  ','  |  ';'  |  ':'  |  '$'  |  '='  |  '=='  |  '*'  |  '*='  |  '%'  |  '%='  |  '^'  |  '^='  |  '^^'  |  '^^='  |  '~'  |  '~='  |  '@'  |  '=>'  |  '#' 
keyword ::=  abstract |  alias |  align |  asm |  assert |  auto |  break |  case |  cast |  catch |  class |  continue |  debug |  default |  delegate |  delete |  deprecated |  do |  else |  enum |  export |  extern |  final |  finally |  for |  foreach |  foreach_reverse |  function |  goto |  if |  import |  in |  interface |  invariant |  is |  lazy |  mixin |  module |  new |  nothrow |  out |  override |  package |  pragma |  private |  protected |  public |  pure |  ref |  return |  scope |  static |  struct |  super |  switch |  synchronized |  template |  this |  throw |  try |  typeid |  typeof |  union |  unittest |  version |  while |  with |  gshared |  traits |  vector |  parameters_ |  special_keyword |  false |  true |  null |  _builtin_type |  void |  type_ctor
bool ::=  (  'bool'  ) 
byte ::=  (  'byte'  ) 
ubyte ::=  (  'ubyte'  ) 
char ::=  (  'char'  ) 
short ::=  (  'short'  ) 
ushort ::=  (  'ushort'  ) 
int ::=  (  'int'  ) 
uint ::=  (  'uint'  ) 
long ::=  (  'long'  ) 
ulong ::=  (  'ulong'  ) 
cent ::=  (  'cent'  ) 
ucent ::=  (  'ucent'  ) 
wchar ::=  (  'wchar'  ) 
dchar ::=  (  'dchar'  ) 
float ::=  (  'float'  ) 
double ::=  (  'double'  ) 
real ::=  (  'real'  ) 
ifloat ::=  (  'ifloat'  ) 
idouble ::=  (  'idouble'  ) 
ireal ::=  (  'ireal'  ) 
cfloat ::=  (  'cfloat'  ) 
cdouble ::=  (  'cdouble'  ) 
creal ::=  (  'creal'  ) 
true ::=  (  'true'  ) 
false ::=  (  'false'  ) 
null ::=  (  'null'  ) 
dollar ::=  '$' 
super ::=  (  'super'  ) 
this ::=  (  'this'  ) 
abstract ::=  (  'abstract'  ) 
alias ::=  (  'alias'  ) 
align ::=  (  'align'  ) 
asm ::=  (  'asm'  ) 
assert ::=  (  'assert'  ) 
auto ::=  (  'auto'  ) 
break ::=  (  'break'  ) 
case ::=  (  'case'  ) 
cast ::=  (  'cast'  ) 
catch ::=  (  'catch'  ) 
class ::=  (  'class'  ) 
const ::=  (  'const'  ) 
continue ::=  (  'continue'  ) 
debug ::=  (  'debug'  ) 
default ::=  (  'default'  ) 
delegate ::=  (  'delegate'  ) 
delete ::=  (  'delete'  ) 
deprecated ::=  (  'deprecated'  ) 
do ::=  'do' 
else ::=  'else' 
enum ::=  'enum' 
export ::=  'export' 
extern ::=  'extern' 
final ::=  (  'final'  ) 
finally ::=  (  'finally'  ) 
for ::=  (  'for'  ) 
foreach ::=  (  'foreach'  ) 
foreach_reverse ::=  (  'foreach_reverse'  ) 
function ::=  (  'function'  ) 
goto ::=  (  'goto'  ) 
if ::=  (  'if'  ) 
immutable ::=  (  'immutable'  ) 
import ::=  (  'import'  ) 
in ::=  (  'in'  ) 
inout ::=  (  'inout'  ) 
interface ::=  (  'interface'  ) 
invariant ::=  (  'invariant'  ) 
is ::=  (  'is'  ) 
lazy ::=  (  'lazy'  ) 
mixin ::=  (  'mixin'  ) 
module ::=  (  'module'  ) 
new ::=  (  'new'  ) 
nothrow ::=  (  'nothrow'  ) 
out ::=  (  'out'  ) 
override ::=  (  'override'  ) 
package ::=  (  'package'  ) 
pragma ::=  (  'pragma'  ) 
private ::=  (  'private'  ) 
protected ::=  (  'protected'  ) 
public ::=  (  'public'  ) 
pure ::=  (  'pure'  ) 
ref ::=  (  'ref'  ) 
return ::=  (  'return'  ) 
scope ::=  (  'scope'  ) 
shared ::=  (  'shared'  ) 
static ::=  (  'static'  ) 
struct ::=  (  'struct'  ) 
switch ::=  (  'switch'  ) 
synchronized ::=  (  'synchronized'  ) 
template ::=  (  'template'  ) 
throw ::=  (  'throw'  ) 
try ::=  (  'try'  ) 
typeid ::=  (  'typeid'  ) 
typeof ::=  (  'typeof'  ) 
union ::=  (  'union'  ) 
unittest ::=  (  'unittest'  ) 
version ::=  (  'version'  ) 
while ::=  (  'while'  ) 
with ::=  (  'with'  ) 
parameters_ ::=  (  '__parameters'  ) 
gshared ::=  (  '__gshared'  ) 
traits ::=  (  '__traits'  ) 
vector ::=  (  '__vector'  ) 
module_def ::=  module_declaration _declaration* 
module_declaration ::=  at_attribute*  ( deprecated_attribute at_attribute*  ) ?  module module_fqn ';' 
module_fqn ::=  identifier ( '.'  identifier ) * 
import_declaration ::=  import _import_list ';' 
_import_list ::=  ( imported ( ','  _import_list ) ?  )  |  ( imported ':'  ( import_bind ( ','  import_bind ) *  )  ) 
imported ::=  module_fqn |  ( (  identifier )  '='  module_fqn ) 
import_bind ::=  identifier ( '='  identifier ) ? 
mixin_declaration ::=  mixin_expression ';' 
_declaration ::=  _declaration2 |  ( _attribute+  _declaration2 )  |  ( _attribute+  '{'  _declaration*  '}'  ) 
_declaration2 ::=   (  ( alias_declaration |  alias_this |  anonymous_enum_declaration |  attribute_declaration |  class_declaration |  conditional_declaration |  constructor |  debug_specification |  destructor |  postblit |  function_declaration |  enum_declaration |  import_declaration |  interface_declaration |  invariant_declaration |  mixin_declaration |  mixin_template_declaration |  pragma_declaration |  struct_declaration |  template_declaration |  template_mixin |  union_declaration |  unittest_declaration |  variable_declaration |  manifest_constant |  version_specification |  static_assert |  auto_declaration |  static_foreach_declaration |  alias_reassign |  ';'  )  ) 
variable_declaration ::=  storage_class*  type ( declarator ( ','  declarator ) *  )  ';' 
_declarator_identifier_list ::=   (  ( identifier ( ','  identifier ) *  )  ) 
declarator ::=   (  ( identifier ( template_parameters?  '='  _initializer ) ?  )  ) 
manifest_constant ::=  storage_class*  enum storage_class*  type?  ( _manifest_declarator ( ','  _manifest_declarator ) *  )  ';' 
_manifest_declarator ::=  ( identifier '='  _initializer )  |  ( identifier template_parameters '='  _initializer ) 
storage_class ::=  linkage_attribute |  align_attribute |  at_attribute |  type_ctor |  deprecated |  static |  extern |  abstract |  final |  override |  synchronized |  auto |  scope |  gshared |  ref |  _function_attribute_kwd
_initializer ::=   (  ( _non_void_initializer |  void )  ) 
_non_void_initializer ::=  _expr |  aggregate_initializer
auto_declaration ::=   (  ( storage_class+  ( _auto_assignment ( ','  _auto_assignment ) *  )  ';'  )  ) 
_auto_assignment ::=  (  identifier )  template_parameters?  '='  (  _initializer ) 
alias_declaration ::=  ( alias ( alias_initializer ( ','  alias_initializer ) *  )  ';'  )  |  ( alias storage_class*  type _declarator_identifier_list ';'  )  |  ( alias storage_class*  type identifier template_parameters?  parameters member_function_attribute*  ';'  ) 
alias_initializer ::=  ( identifier template_parameters?  '='  storage_class*  type )  |  ( identifier template_parameters?  '='  storage_class*  function_literal )  |  ( identifier template_parameters?  '='  storage_class*  type parameters member_function_attribute*  ) 
alias_assign ::=  identifier '='  type
alias_reassign ::=   (  ( ( identifier '='  storage_class*  type ';'  )  |  ( identifier '='  function_literal ';'  )  |  ( identifier '='  storage_class*  type parameters member_function_attribute*  ';'  )  )  ) 
type ::=   (  ( type_ctor*  _type2 _type_suffix*  )  ) 
type_ctor ::=  const |  immutable |  inout |  shared
_type2 ::=   (  ( void |  _builtin_type |  _qualified_id |  ( '.'  _qualified_id )  |  typeof_expression |  ( typeof_expression '.'  _qualified_id )  |  ( type_ctor '('  type ')'  )  |  vector_type |  traits_expression |  mixin_expression )  ) 
vector_type ::=  vector '('  type ')' 
_builtin_type ::=  bool |  byte |  ubyte |  char |  short |  ushort |  int |  uint |  long |  ulong |  cent |  ucent |  wchar |  dchar |  float |  double |  real |  ifloat |  idouble |  ireal |  cfloat |  cdouble |  creal
void ::=  'void' 
_type_suffix ::=   (  ( '*'  |  ( '['  ']'  )  |  ( '['  expression ']'  )  |  ( '['  expression '..'  expression ']'  )  |  ( '['  type ']'  )  |  ( delegate parameters member_function_attribute*  )  |  ( function parameters _function_attribute*  )  )  ) 
_identifier_or_template_instance ::=  identifier |  template_instance
_qualified_id ::=   (  ( identifier |  ( identifier '.'  _qualified_id )  |  ( identifier '['  ']'  )  |  ( identifier '['  expression '..'  expression ']'  )  |  ( identifier '['  type ']'  )  |  ( identifier '['  expression ']'  )  |  ( identifier '['  expression ']'  '.'  _qualified_id )  |  template_instance |  ( template_instance '.'  _qualified_id )  )  ) 
typeof_expression ::=  typeof '('  ( expression |  return )  ')' 
attribute_declaration ::=  _attribute ':' 
align_attribute ::=   (  ( align ( '('  expression ')'  ) ?  )  ) 
deprecated_attribute ::=   (  ( deprecated ( '('  expression ')'  ) ?  )  ) 
_attribute ::=   (  ( linkage_attribute |  align_attribute |  deprecated_attribute |  pragma_expression |  type_ctor |  private |  package |  ( package '('  module_fqn ')'  )  |  protected |  public |  export |  static |  extern |  abstract |  final |  override |  synchronized |  auto |  scope |  gshared |  at_attribute |  _function_attribute_kwd |  ref |  return )  ) 
at_attribute ::=   (  ( ( '@'  identifier )  |  ( '@'  identifier arguments )  |  ( '@'  template_instance )  |  ( '@'  template_instance arguments )  |  ( '@'  '('  _argument_list ')'  )  )  ) 
_function_attribute_kwd ::=  nothrow |  pure
linkage_attribute ::=   (  ( extern '('  ( 'C'  |  'D'  |  'Windows'  |  'System'  |  ( 'Objective'  '-'  'C'  )  |  ( 'C'  '++'  )  |  ( 'C'  '++'  ','  _argument_list?  )  |  ( 'C'  '++'  ','  class )  |  ( 'C'  '++'  ','  struct )  )  ')'  )  ) 
_argument_list ::=   (  ( expression ( ','  expression ) *  ',' ?  )  ) 
arguments ::=  '('  _argument_list?  ')' 
pragma_declaration ::=  ( pragma_expression ';'  )  |  ( pragma_expression _declaration )  |  ( pragma_expression '{'  _declaration*  '}'  ) 
pragma_statement ::=  ( pragma_expression _statement )  |  ( pragma_expression ';'  ) 
pragma_expression ::=  ( pragma '('  identifier ')'  )  |  ( pragma '('  identifier ','  _argument_list ')'  ) 
expression_list ::=   (  ( _expr ( ','  _expr ) *  )  ) 
expression ::=  _expr
_expr ::=   (  ( assignment_expression |  ternary_expression |  binary_expression |  ternary_expression |  _unary_expr )  ) 
ternary_expression ::=   (  ( (  _expr )  '?'  (  expression_list )  ':'  (  _expr )  )  ) 
call_expression ::=   (  ( ( _unary_expr arguments )  |  ( type arguments )  )  ) 
primary_expression ::=  ( '('  type ')'  '.'  identifier )  |  ( '('  type ')'  '.'  template_instance )  |  ( _builtin_type '.'  identifier )  |  ( void '.'  identifier )  |  ( '('  expression_list ')'  )  |  ( type_ctor '('  type ')'  '.'  identifier )  |  ( vector_type '.'  identifier ) 
_primary_expr ::=  _identifier_or_template_instance |  ( '.'  _identifier_or_template_instance )  |  primary_expression |  typeof_expression |  typeid_expression |  array_literal |  is_expression |  function_literal |  traits_expression |  mixin_expression |  import_expression |  dollar |  this |  super |  null |  true |  false |  special_keyword |  int_literal |  float_literal |  char_literal |  string_literal
index_expression ::=  ( _unary_expr '['  ']'  )  |  ( _unary_expr '['  ( index ( ','  index ) *  ',' ?  )  ']'  ) 
index ::=  expression ( '..'  expression ) ? 
assignment_expression ::=   (  ( _expr (  ( '='  |  '+='  |  '-='  |  '*='  |  '/='  |  '%='  |  '&='  |  '|='  |  '^='  |  '~='  |  '<<='  |  '>>='  |  '>>>='  |  '^^='  )  )  _expr )  ) 
binary_expression ::=  logical_or_expression |  logical_and_expression |  or_expression |  xor_expression |  and_expression |  equal_expression |  rel_expression |  identity_expression |  add_expression |  mul_expression |  shift_expression |  power_expression
logical_or_expression ::=   (  ( _expr (  '||'  )  _expr )  ) 
logical_and_expression ::=   (  ( _expr (  '&&'  )  _expr )  ) 
or_expression ::=   (  ( _expr (  '|'  )  _expr )  ) 
xor_expression ::=   (  ( _expr (  '^'  )  _expr )  ) 
and_expression ::=   (  ( _expr (  '&'  )  _expr )  ) 
equal_expression ::=   (  ( _expr (  ( '=='  |  '!='  )  )  _expr )  ) 
rel_expression ::=   (  ( _expr (  ( '<='  |  '<'  |  '>'  |  '>='  )  )  _expr )  ) 
identity_expression ::=   (  ( _expr ( not_is |  not_in |  in |  is )  _expr )  ) 
add_expression ::=   (  ( _expr (  ( '+'  |  '-'  |  '~'  )  )  _expr )  ) 
mul_expression ::=   (  ( _expr (  ( '*'  |  '/'  |  '%'  )  )  _expr )  ) 
shift_expression ::=   (  ( _expr (  ( '<<'  |  '>>'  |  '>>>'  )  )  _expr )  ) 
power_expression ::=   (  ( _expr (  '^^'  )  _unary_expr )  ) 
postfix_expression ::=   (  ( _unary_expr (  ( '++'  |  '--'  )  )  )  ) 
unary_expression ::=   (  ( (  ( '~'  |  '+'  |  '-'  |  '!'  |  '*'  |  '&'  |  '++'  |  '--'  )  )  _unary_expr )  ) 
_unary_expr ::=  _primary_expr |  unary_expression |  new_expression |  delete_expression |  assert_expression |  cast_expression |  throw_expression |  call_expression |  index_expression |  postfix_expression |  property_expression
property_expression ::=  ( '('  type ')'  '.'  _identifier_or_template_instance )  |   (  ( _unary_expr '.'  _identifier_or_template_instance )  )  |   (  ( _unary_expr '.'  new_expression )  ) 
cast_expression ::=   (  ( ( cast '('  ')'  (  _unary_expr )  )  |  ( cast '('  type ')'  (  _unary_expr )  )  |  ( cast '('  cast_qualifier ')'  _unary_expr )  )  ) 
cast_qualifier ::=  const |  ( const shared )  |  immutable |  inout |  ( inout shared )  |  shared |  ( shared const )  |  ( shared inout ) 
delete_expression ::=   (  ( delete _unary_expr )  ) 
throw_expression ::=   (  ( throw _unary_expr )  ) 
assert_expression ::=  assert '('  assert_arguments ')' 
assert_arguments ::=  expression ( ','  ( expression ( ','  expression ) *  )  ) ?  ',' ? 
mixin_expression ::=  mixin '('  _argument_list ')' 
import_expression ::=  import '('  expression ')' 
new_expression ::=   (  ( ( new type )  |  ( new type '['  expression ']'  )  |  ( new type arguments )  |  ( new class arguments?  _base_class_list?  aggregate_body )  )  ) 
typeid_expression ::=  typeid '('  ( type |  expression )  ')' 
is_expression ::=   (  ( is '('  type identifier?  ( ( '=='  |  ':'  )  type_specialization ( ','  _template_parameter_list ) ?  ) ?  ')'  )  ) 
type_specialization ::=  type |  struct |  union |  class |  interface |  enum |  vector |  function |  delegate |  super |  const |  immutable |  inout |  shared |  return |  parameters_ |  module |  package
string_literal ::=  _string |  token_string
array_literal ::=  '['  ( _array_member_init ( ','  _array_member_init ) *  ',' ?  ) ?  ']' 
_array_member_init ::=  ( ( (  expression )  ':'  ) ?  (  _non_void_initializer )  ) 
function_literal ::=   (  ( ( function ( auto?  ref ) ?  type?  _parameter_with_attributes?  _specified_function_body )  |  ( function ( auto?  ref ) ?  type?  _parameter_with_attributes '=>'  _expr )  |  ( delegate ( auto?  ref ) ?  type?  _parameter_with_member_attributes?  _specified_function_body )  |  ( delegate ( auto?  ref ) ?  type?  _parameter_with_member_attributes '=>'  _expr )  |  ( ( auto?  ref ) ?  _parameter_with_member_attributes _specified_function_body )  |  ( ( auto?  ref ) ?  _parameter_with_member_attributes '=>'  _expr )  |  _specified_function_body |  ( identifier '=>'  _expr )  )  ) 
_parameter_with_attributes ::=  parameters _function_attribute* 
_parameter_with_member_attributes ::=  _parameters member_function_attribute* 
special_keyword ::=  '__DATE__'  |  '__FILE__'  |  '__FILE_FULL_PATH__'  |  '__FUNCTION__'  |  '__LINE__'  |  '__MODULE__'  |  '__PRETTY_FUNCTION__'  |  '__TIME__'  |  '__TIMESTAMP__'  |  '__VENDOR__'  |  '__VERSION__' 
_statement ::=  _statement_no_case_no_default |  case_statement
_declarations_and_statements ::=  _declaration_or_statement+ 
_declaration_or_statement ::=  _declaration |  _statement
scope_statement ::=  _declaration_or_statement
body ::=  (  scope_statement ) 
consequence ::=  (  scope_statement ) 
alternative ::=  (  scope_statement ) 
_statement_no_case_no_default ::=  labeled_statement |  expression_statement |  block_statement |  if_statement |  while_statement |  do_statement |  for_statement |  foreach_statement |  switch_statement |  final_switch_statement |  continue_statement |  break_statement |  return_statement |  goto_statement |  with_statement |  synchronized_statement |  try_statement |  scope_guard_statement |  pragma_statement |  asm_statement |  conditional_statement |  static_assert |  static_foreach_statement |  version_specification |  debug_specification
labeled_statement ::=   (  ( label body )  ) 
label ::=  identifier ':' 
block_statement ::=  '{'  _declarations_and_statements?  label?  '}' 
expression_statement ::=  expression_list ';' 
if_statement ::=   (  ( if if_condition consequence ( else alternative ) ?  )  ) 
if_condition ::=  '('  ( _expr |  ( auto identifier '='  expression )  |  ( scope identifier '='  expression )  |  ( type_ctor+  identifier '='  expression )  |  ( type identifier '='  expression )  )  ')' 
while_statement ::=  while if_condition body
do_statement ::=  do body while '('  (  expression )  ')' 
for_statement ::=  for '('  _for1 _for2?  ( ';'  _for3?  ) ?  ')'  body
_for1 ::=  (  _declaration2 )  |  (  _statement_no_case_no_default )  |  ';' 
_for2 ::=  (  expression ) 
_for3 ::=  (  expression_list ) 
_foreach ::=  foreach |  foreach_reverse
foreach_statement ::=  ( _foreach '('  ( foreach_type ( ','  foreach_type ) *  )  ';'  expression ')'  body )  |  ( _foreach '('  foreach_type ';'  expression '..'  expression ')'  body ) 
foreach_type ::=  ( ref |  alias |  enum |  scope |  type_ctor ) *  type?  identifier
switch_statement ::=  switch '('  expression ')'  body
case_statement ::=   (  ( ( case expression_list ',' ?  ':'  ( _declaration |  _statement_no_case_no_default ) *  )  |  ( case expression ':'  '..'  case expression ':'  ( _declaration |  _statement_no_case_no_default ) *  )  |  ( default ':'  ( _declaration |  _statement_no_case_no_default ) *  )  )  ) 
final_switch_statement ::=  final switch_statement
continue_statement ::=  continue identifier?  ';' 
break_statement ::=  break identifier?  ';' 
return_statement ::=  return expression?  ';' 
goto_statement ::=  ( goto identifier ';'  )  |  ( goto default ';'  )  |  ( goto case ';'  )  |  ( goto case expression ';'  ) 
with_statement ::=  with '('  expression ')'  scope_statement
synchronized_statement ::=   (  ( synchronized ( '('  expression ')'  ) ?  scope_statement )  ) 
try_statement ::=   (  ( try body catch_statement*  finally_statement?  )  ) 
catch_statement ::=  catch ( '('  type identifier?  ')'  )  body
finally_statement ::=  finally body
scope_guard_statement ::=  scope '('  ( 'exit'  |  'success'  |  'failure'  )  ')'  body
asm_statement ::=  asm _function_attribute*  '{'  asm_inline?  '}' 
asm_inline ::=  _token_no_braces+ 
mixin_statement ::=  mixin '('  _argument_list ')'  ';' 
struct_declaration ::=  ( struct aggregate_body )  |  ( struct identifier ';'  )  |  ( struct identifier aggregate_body )  |  ( struct identifier template_parameters constraint?  ';'  )  |  ( struct identifier template_parameters constraint?  aggregate_body ) 
union_declaration ::=  ( union aggregate_body )  |  ( union identifier ';'  )  |  ( union identifier aggregate_body )  |  ( union identifier template_parameters constraint?  ';'  )  |  ( union identifier template_parameters constraint?  aggregate_body ) 
aggregate_body ::=  '{'  _declaration*  '}' 
aggregate_initializer ::=  '{'  ( member_initializer ( ','  member_initializer ) *  ',' ?  ) ?  '}' 
member_initializer ::=  ( identifier ':'  ) ?  _initializer
postblit ::=  this '('  this ')'  member_function_attribute*  function_body
invariant_declaration ::=  ( invariant '('  ')'  block_statement )  |  ( invariant block_statement )  |  ( invariant '('  assert_arguments ')'  ';'  ) 
class_declaration ::=  ( class identifier template_parameters?  ';'  )  |  ( class identifier aggregate_body )  |  ( class identifier ':'  _base_class_list aggregate_body )  |  ( class identifier template_parameters constraint?  aggregate_body )  |  ( class identifier template_parameters constraint?  ':'  _base_class_list constraint?  aggregate_body )  |  ( class identifier template_parameters ':'  _base_class_list constraint aggregate_body ) 
_base_class_list ::=  base_class ( ','  base_class ) * 
base_class ::=  _type2
constructor ::=  ( this parameters member_function_attribute*  function_body )  |  ( this template_parameters parameters member_function_attribute*  constraint?  function_body )  |  ( shared?  static this '('  ')'  member_function_attribute*  function_body ) 
destructor ::=  ( shared?  static ) ?  '~'  this '('  ')'  member_function_attribute*  function_body
alias_this ::=  alias identifier this ';' 
interface_declaration ::=  ( interface identifier ';'  )  |  ( interface identifier aggregate_body )  |  ( interface identifier ':'  _base_class_list aggregate_body )  |  ( interface identifier template_parameters aggregate_body )  |  ( interface identifier template_parameters ':'  _base_class_list aggregate_body )  |  ( interface identifier template_parameters ':'  _base_class_list constraint aggregate_body )  |  ( interface identifier template_parameters constraint aggregate_body )  |  ( interface identifier template_parameters constraint ':'  _base_class_list aggregate_body ) 
enum_declaration ::=  ( enum identifier ';'  )  |  ( enum identifier _enum_body )  |  ( enum identifier ':'  type ';'  )  |  ( enum identifier ':'  type _enum_body ) 
_enum_body ::=  '{'  ( enum_member ( ','  enum_member ) *  ',' ?  )  '}' 
_enum_member_attribute ::=  deprecated_attribute |  at_attribute
enum_member ::=  _enum_member_attribute*  identifier ( '='  _expr ) ? 
anonymous_enum_declaration ::=  enum ( ':'  type ) ?  '{'  ( ( anonymous_enum_member |  enum_member )  ( ','  ( anonymous_enum_member |  enum_member )  ) *  ',' ?  )  '}' 
anonymous_enum_member ::=  type identifier '='  _expr
function_declaration ::=   (  ( ( type identifier parameters member_function_attribute*  function_body )  |  ( type identifier template_parameters parameters member_function_attribute*  constraint?  function_body )  |  ( ( storage_class |  enum ) +  identifier parameters member_function_attribute*  function_body )  |  ( ( storage_class |  enum ) +  identifier template_parameters parameters member_function_attribute*  constraint?  function_body )  )  ) 
parameters ::=   (  ( ( '('  ')'  )  |  ( '('  ( parameter ( ','  parameter ) *  ',' ?  )  ')'  )  |  ( '('  ( parameter ( ','  parameter ) *  )  ','  ellipses ')'  )  |  ( '('  ( parameter ( ','  parameter ) *  )  ','  _variadic_arguments_attributes ellipses ')'  )  |  ( '('  ellipses ')'  )  |  ( '('  _variadic_arguments_attributes ellipses ')'  )  )  ) 
_parameters ::=   (  ( ( '('  ')'  )  |  ( '('  ( _parameter ( ','  _parameter ) *  ',' ?  )  ')'  )  |  ( '('  ( _parameter ( ','  _parameter ) *  )  ','  ellipses ')'  )  |  ( '('  ( _parameter ( ','  _parameter ) *  )  ','  _variadic_arguments_attributes ellipses ')'  )  |  ( '('  ellipses ')'  )  |  ( '('  _variadic_arguments_attributes ellipses ')'  )  )  ) 
parameter ::=   (  _parameter ) 
_parameter ::=   (  ( ( parameter_attribute*  type )  |  ( parameter_attribute*  type ellipses )  |  ( parameter_attribute*  type '='  _expr ellipses?  )  |  ( parameter_attribute*  type identifier )  |  ( parameter_attribute*  type identifier ellipses )  |  ( parameter_attribute*  type identifier '='  _expr ellipses?  )  )  ) 
parameter_attribute ::=  at_attribute |  type_ctor |  final |  in |  lazy |  out |  ref |  scope |  auto |  return
ellipses ::=  '...' 
_variadic_arguments_attributes ::=  variadic_arguments_attribute+ 
variadic_arguments_attribute ::=  const |  immutable |  return |  scope |  shared
_function_attribute ::=  _function_attribute_kwd |  at_attribute
member_function_attribute ::=  const |  immutable |  inout |  return |  scope |  shared |  _function_attribute
function_body ::=  ( _in_out_contract_expressions?  '=>'  _expr ';'  )  |  ( _function_contract*  do?  block_statement )  |  ( _function_contract*  ';'  )  |  ( _function_contract*  _in_out_statement ) 
_specified_function_body ::=  _function_contract*  do?  block_statement
_function_contract ::=  _in_out_contract_expression |  _in_out_statement
_in_out_contract_expressions ::=  _in_out_contract_expression+ 
_in_out_contract_expression ::=  in_contract_expression |  out_contract_expression
_in_out_statement ::=  in_statement |  out_statement
in_contract_expression ::=  in '('  assert_arguments ')' 
out_contract_expression ::=  out '('  identifier?  ';'  assert_arguments ')' 
in_statement ::=  in block_statement
out_statement ::=  out ( '('  identifier ')'  ) ?  block_statement
template_declaration ::=  template identifier template_parameters constraint?  '{'  _declaration*  '}' 
template_instance ::=   (  ( identifier template_arguments )  ) 
template_arguments ::=   (  ( '!'  ( ( '('  _template_argument_list?  ')'  )  |  _template_single_arg )  )  ) 
template_argument ::=  type |  _expr
_template_argument_list ::=  template_argument ( ','  template_argument ) *  ',' ? 
_template_single_arg ::=  identifier |  void |  _builtin_type |  char_literal |  string_literal |  int_literal |  float_literal |  true |  false |  null |  this |  special_keyword
template_parameter ::=   (  ( _template_type_parameter |  _template_value_parameter |  _template_alias_parameter |  _template_sequence_parameter )  ) 
template_parameters ::=  '('  _template_parameter_list?  ')' 
_template_parameter_list ::=   (  ( template_parameter ( ','  template_parameter ) *  ',' ?  )  ) 
_template_type_parameter ::=   (  ( this?  identifier ( ':'  type ) ?  ( '='  type ) ?  )  ) 
_template_value_parameter ::=   (  ( type identifier ( ':'  _expr ) ?  ( '='  _expr ) ?  )  ) 
_template_sequence_parameter ::=  identifier '...' 
_template_alias_parameter ::=   (  ( alias type?  identifier ( ':'  ( type |  _expr )  ) ?  ( '='  ( type |  _expr )  ) ?  )  ) 
constraint ::=  if '('  expression ')' 
mixin_template_declaration ::=  mixin template_declaration
template_mixin ::=  mixin ( typeof_expression?  '.'  ) ?  ( _identifier_or_template_instance ( '.'  _identifier_or_template_instance ) *  )  template_arguments?  identifier?  ';' 
conditional_declaration ::=   (  ( ( condition _declaration )  |  ( condition _declaration else ':'  _declaration*  )  |  ( condition _declaration else _declaration )  |  ( condition _declaration else '{'  _declaration*  '}'  )  |  ( condition '{'  _declaration*  '}'  )  |  ( condition '{'  _declaration*  '}'  else ':'  _declaration*  )  |  ( condition '{'  _declaration*  '}'  else _declaration )  |  ( condition '{'  _declaration*  '}'  else '{'  _declaration*  '}'  )  |  ( condition ':'  _declaration+  )  )  ) 
conditional_statement ::=   (  ( condition consequence ( else alternative ) ?  )  ) 
condition ::=  version_condition |  debug_condition |  static_if_condition
version_condition ::=   (  ( version '('  ( int_literal |  identifier |  unittest |  assert )  ')'  )  ) 
version_specification ::=  version '='  ( int_literal |  identifier )  ';' 
debug_condition ::=   (  ( debug ( '('  ( int_literal |  identifier )  ')'  ) ?  )  ) 
debug_specification ::=  debug '='  ( int_literal |  identifier )  ';' 
static_if_condition ::=  static if '('  expression ')' 
static_foreach_statement ::=  static foreach_statement
static_foreach_declaration ::=  ( static _foreach '('  ( foreach_type ( ','  foreach_type ) *  )  ';'  expression ')'  '{'  _declaration*  '}'  )  |  ( static _foreach '('  ( foreach_type ( ','  foreach_type ) *  )  ';'  expression ')'  _declaration )  |  ( static _foreach '('  foreach_type ';'  expression '..'  expression ')'  '{'  _declaration*  '}'  )  |  ( static _foreach '('  foreach_type ';'  expression '..'  expression ')'  _declaration ) 
static_assert ::=  static assert_expression ';' 
traits_expression ::=  traits '('  identifier ( ','  _template_argument_list ) ?  ')' 
unittest_declaration ::=  unittest block_statement
gdamore commented 1 year ago

This is kind of cool, but I'm not sure how actually useful it is.

gdamore commented 9 months ago

I'm closing because this isn't actionable for me right now.