gdarai / SpaceRace

Minecraft Modpack
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What to do with the BQM #18

Open gdarai opened 6 years ago

gdarai commented 6 years ago

Better Questing is the Quest Book in the game... This is the moment where I/You/We should think about what and how to incorporate in it. Currently there are following concepts:

Overview guide chapter (Done, All Stub)

Now this is what I had/have in mind... and in the game is it in the current state so you can go through it and see it in live. The big question is: Is this what we want? How do we want this book to work? Is this concept ok? What would you improve and how?

kotja3 commented 6 years ago

First make BQM usable at every GUI scale. Normaly I use Large and it doesn't fit on my monitor .

gdarai commented 6 years ago

Ok... that is a new one... do you know how to do it? Because I don't. Right now, there is hardcoded position for every quest, that is why I used the smalles scale (Called the Large) so it would fit for every GUI scale... but I am not sure if it can be somehow set to scalable.

But first thing I can think of is to at least test it on every GUI scale so I see how it looks... if you mean this.

Ok... i tried. The current setting is designed for Large GUI. On my screen, when I select Large it nicely fills the screen. On all other GUI settings it fits even better so I think I don't understand what you mean. How does it look on your screen? Do you know that you can use Shift + Scroll to change the size In the Book?

kotja3 commented 6 years ago

Fruits quest doesn't recognise fruits except lemons.

gdarai commented 6 years ago

You are right... I set up wrongly the item stacks for the others. Thanks. It will be fixed now.

gdarai commented 6 years ago

I was also thinking about a chapter with cheats... something like: If everything went wrong... this may save you.