gdarai / SpaceRace

Minecraft Modpack
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Best Photos #2

Open gdarai opened 6 years ago

gdarai commented 6 years ago

Hi Kids... what about start some small photothekes... of what you have and what you achieved.

gdarai commented 6 years ago

Here are some first photos of my base... this was enough for comfortable survival and building of the first ship. 52kindsofplants My Garden of 52 Kinds of Plants myfirstship My First Ship... stolen and redecorated smeltery Automatic Smeltery waxandcloth Farm for Cloth and Wax firstpowerplant First Power Plant

gdarai commented 6 years ago

Now few more pictures: automaticfabricmachine To make ship better I needed a lot of fabric, so I made this automatic machine for Canola Oil Based Recipes collectingwater This is the first way how to collect some water. I believe. Maybe IE pump will be next. smallmine I expanded... in this case to a jungle island to collect some lapis diamonds and eezo.

archkazs commented 6 years ago

So far, these are my top achivements:

A rail connection over 1500blocks (useless now that I have the boat) train And a semi-automatic smeltery (capacity 648 ingots) and a tank of 9527!!! smeltery

I have a IE pump running, but I still couldn't make the tree farm, so right now is just there, chilling

OlorinCZ commented 6 years ago

I recently started over (on a much better location) so I am just venturing into the ship exploration era. Anyway, here are some of my achievements: You can not cook without proper kitchen... 2018-02-05_16 39 54 It is alive! My very first IE/Forestry machines: 2018-02-05_16 40 09 And now I have a boat to bring some new friends in: 2018-02-05_17 33 52

OlorinCZ commented 6 years ago

And now for something creative: Carpenter fluid handling with Seared faucets (and pipette for cleaning ofc). The wooden barrels are there just for aesthetics (works fine with just plain pipes but it looks awful); the metal barrel is both a buffer and a tool to insert into carpenters bottom side, which is the only way it seemed to work for me. 2018-02-08_14 45 28

OlorinCZ commented 6 years ago

Hey, it's me again. It was a pain but I managed to make some quality of life semi-automation improvements to my base: The beginning of my future ore processing facility. Right now it only filters poor ores directly into the smeltery and places others into drawers... 2018-02-12_16 39 58

Melted metal can then be cast manually or transferred into a seared tank: 2018-02-12_16 40 41

Which has an automated output and buttons for two-at-a-time casting. Yay. 2018-02-12_16 41 33

And of course, the (kinda) mighty drawer system. It is like a stone-age ME system and I cannot believe I used to live without it. 2018-02-12_16 42 38

OlorinCZ commented 6 years ago

And it seems I will keep spamming this thread until you stop me :) Do I hate aqua creepers? Oh boy, you can't even imagine. Would I relocate my harbour to the opposite side of the island and go out of my way to get rid of them? Sure. Would I be wasting precious resources on doodads while doing so? How is that even a question, of course I would. So let me introduce my fabulous lighthouse, featuring amongst other things my old windmill parts and anti-spawning electric lanterns: 2018-02-13_16 55 40 But who builds a lighthouse just to iluminate the harbor bay? That's right, noone! It has to shine far onto the sea. 2018-02-13_16 53 27 But those floodlights are expensive and you are in a dire need of resources to build a spaceship! Nonsese. What I need is to make them shine one at a time, switching every few minutes to really enhance this lighthouse feel. And so I did :) 2018-02-13_16 57 34

OlorinCZ commented 6 years ago

Beekeeping is a serious business. Having an area where hot, cold and normal biomes meet is a big plus: 2018-02-20_11 23 18

gdarai commented 6 years ago

Here are some pictures from my second world... I started on a Small Flower Island with Two Dungeons. So I had to travel a little. Now, I have full first age tech, powered by 3 water wheels and one wind mill and I am thinking about advanced tech and automatic steel production. mapa This is what I had to explore. And now some pictures of my base. I decide that I want my traditional segmented compound with gates and walls this time. Please notice two huge cotton fields and coneyor unloading system for my ship. conveyors And here is my engineerin room. With MedKit production, powered furnaces, honey and seedoil production (bought Almond Sapling. Best trade in my life) and newly with Metal Press and Crystalizer. engineeringroom01 engineeringroom02

kotja3 commented 6 years ago

2018-02-24_08 57 29 Roof of my kitchen with egg generator (Chicken in a box)

OlorinCZ commented 6 years ago

Once upon a time, there was a lovely hillock with a southern slope near my beehouses and animal pens. So I decided to build a vineyard there... A fully automated one. And I thought I had nailed it at first: 2018-02-23_08 54 46

Needless to say, as I built it without previous knowledge of how forestry farm works, it did need some tweaking. And by some I mean a lot. Especially since I wanted it to be fully self-sustainable and manage more than one kind of crops: 2018-02-23_20 07 29

Luckily Factorio prepared me for the belt madness that was necessary. Now the only problem it faces is occasional overclogging with extra seeds for which I currently do not have a remedy with this tech-level and my understanding of the mods included in the pack. At some point in the future i will probably repurpose it to biomass production only: 2018-02-23_20 11 52

For now the farm is happily growing me some free iron and copper, enough fertilizer to run the fermenter and at least 10 other farms and it directly feeds this biomass power plant: 2018-02-23_20 09 05

gdarai commented 6 years ago

I had to share those pictures with you. This is MHL Snow Flake... my try warp-ship to test if we can create fully functional self sufficient space ship capable of:

Spotting, harvesting and processing asteroids, harvesting and processing gasses, has full kitchen and all the machines and can produce it's own rocket fuel, oxygen and hydrogen. And all that just with the technologies available before we leave the Red Gas Giant.

compilation01 compilation02

OlorinCZ commented 6 years ago

When comapred with Immersive Engineering, Forrestry machines are desperately boring, so I decided to make my biomass factory more immersive (and generally better). Also, playing some Civilization in the mean time I realized I have no hope of being best at space race, so I just refocused on cultural victory... (also I cheated a bit by expanding the pack with more aestethical stuff)

My new squeezer: grapes and apples are dropped form some height and crushed by the pistons below. 2018-05-05_10 18 01

Next step is the fermentation pool: 2018-05-05_10 24 20

Of course, all the actual "magic" happens in the basement, but even so I tried to make it look good. 2018-05-05_10 26 31

And here it is, a fine piece of early industrial architecture in all it's splendour: 2018-05-05_10 16 24

In the background you can see my (distant) future building project: the power plant. So far it houses this giant furnace (concealing more stirling engines burning wood from the tree farm) and a good number of biogas engines, which should be enough for me to comfortably reach biodiesel production some time in the future... BTW turns out I would not recommend making biogas engines your primary power source: it seems balancing the power input and output and making the system work without clogging is quite complicated (or maybe I just suck at it). 2018-05-05_10 29 21

OlorinCZ commented 6 years ago

If you are feeling a little creative and somewhat evil, I believe this is the earliest achievable infinite iron source before you get to autofarming mystical agriculture. The most complicated part would be getting the Imperial bees which to my surprise and contrary to what internet says do heal the golems. It could still be done quite early in the game provided you buy some things from the quest book and rush the analyzer or if you are bold enough to breed bees without analyzing. 2018-05-16_11 08 00

kotja3 commented 6 years ago

Already have 80 iron crops. But how does it work?

OlorinCZ commented 6 years ago

It is not so well known feature of the smeltery, but having entities inside while it is working (=while there is some molten fluid) damages said entities and produces an amount of liquid. For most mobs (and the player), it's blood. Iron golems though, they smelt directly into iron for every 8 hp damage or so. If you drain the smeltery fast enough, the damaging stops and you can restore their health via bees or splash potions, thus replenishing the iron you smelted away. And condemning them to life of eternal suffering. Also, you did not hear it from me, but villagers smelt into emeralds. Not that anyone needs that with HC shipping bin, but yeah, it is a possibility. In 1.7 you could even smelt horses for glue (slime substitute) and endermen for liquified enderpearls (which is afaik no longer possible).

kotja3 commented 6 years ago

2018-05-22_14 39 44 20 Iridium bees automated

gdarai commented 6 years ago

Hi guys... I have new Super Ship.. with Deep Resonance generator and closed working atmosphere... with Orbital Elevator and fully equiped workshop. :o) It is of course just proof of concept with cheated resources, but it is so cool that I had to show you: iso_view probe_lounch2 side_view workshop

kotja3 commented 6 years ago


On lunar south pole Sadly photoshopped - If 3d printing would give same results (tectureless smooth black block like fabric of reality from dimensional doors) I would like to see it. Open computers and lua aren't my cup of tea.

kotja3 commented 5 years ago

2018-10-17_22 47 28


kotja3 commented 5 years ago

My base 2019-10-03_09 53 34 Wither farm 2019-10-03_09 53 57 Power source - second best energy core + 289 vibrant solars 2019-10-03_09 54 22 Automatic resonant crystal factory 2019-10-03_09 54 58