gdarai / SpaceRace

Minecraft Modpack
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Pipette doubling fluids #22

Closed gdarai closed 6 years ago

gdarai commented 6 years ago

People say that Pippette is doubling liquids in the forestry machines. Explore and Decide what to do with it?

OlorinCZ commented 6 years ago

This only occured to me when the internal fluid tank was bugged, e.g. when changing fluids inside carpenter. Could it be this known issue, or is it something else altogether?

gdarai commented 6 years ago

I don't know. It didn't happen to me... but to other beta tester. And I wasn't able to reproduce. So for you it was on the bugged carpenter? I will try that. From what I know that is when you leave some fluid in it through save/load cycle. I am still not sure, if I want to solve things like that or just ignore it.

Like, solution is simple, remove pippette, but is it really neccessary? If it is just on the bugged carpenter... I will probably keep it. But if it will be more common issue, we will deal with it.

gdarai commented 6 years ago

Pipette was removed in 0.71