gdarai / SpaceRace

Minecraft Modpack
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Carpenter issues #25

Closed gdarai closed 6 years ago

gdarai commented 6 years ago

So I digged into the issue with carpenter fluids an I found this:

In short: ModTweaker does not fix 1.10.2 any more and yes it is bugged, so either we stop using it in this strange manner or we have to live with it.

Well... I choose to live with it for now, but I am sad panda. What would you guys do?

gdarai commented 6 years ago

I have one possible 'help' for this... We may try to evade carpenter as much as possible at least in recipes which will be done often and repeatidly.

I may set up help recipes for Automatic Assembler.... and/or Draconic Evolution infuser. They both accept fluids in some form and are highly configurable so I may be able to set all the recipes we want there.

Also all the other Advanced Rocketry machines are highly configurable... so we can use also them. I think we can decide recipe by recipe.

Also the default forestry fluids, I think it is seed oil, honey and water will work at any time, so we can make them as alternative carpenter receipt for some of those things.

gdarai commented 6 years ago

I will also add a Guide book page for this.

gdarai commented 6 years ago

Ok, Analysis done, here are all the receips which are conflicting because of the carpenter, and what I am going to do with each of them: First group are things which will be moved or recreated somewhere else ARConcreat (Strange Receipt - must redo) Creative Stuff (tweak individually, need to change book case, loco and server) Creative missing, mising receipt for creative component bus ( I just noticed, not that it belong here) FF Circuits - skipped in future - need receips FF Beealyzer, FF Squeezer, FF Biogas Engine, AR Furnace Gold Apples 3x ++ (move to precision assembler), or Infusion DE Draco Block (add Infusion) DR Dense Glass (move to thermionic fab) AR Titan Coil + (move to precision assembler) AR Iri Coil ++ (move to precision assembler) MP Solar Panel (move to thermionic fab) GD Pollen Kit (add precision asembler variant) DV Air Balloon - add canning machine receipt AR Holoprojector - (add assembler receipt)

In his second group we will add some can to preserve the fluid requirenment, but replace the fluid in the tank itself with something working: Diamond stuff (add nutrient can, change to honey) IO Binder Composite (osram dust and water) DR Machine Frame (replace with seed oil + eezo can) DR Dense Obsidian (change to seed oil + add tiberium dust) AR Solar Panel + (change to seed oil + nitrogen can) Air Tight Orb (add obsidiorite can, change to honey, add receipt for the canning machine) AR Fuel Tank ++ (change to seed oil + add duranite can + add canning machine receipt) RC Bore Heads ++ change to duranite can + seed oil

This will be straitforward change of receipt: MP Controll Circuit (change to seed oil) AA Energy Laser Relay (change to seed oil) AR Optical Sensor (change to seed oil) GD Covers (change to honey)

Here we will add seed oil variant but preserve the cheaper original variant. AR Alu Coil ++ (add seed oil) DV Steam Engine (add seed oil) GD Upgrade Frame (add seed oil) DV Anchor (add seed oil) DV Crate (add seed oil) DV Bed (add seed oil) DV Seat (add seed oil) DV Buffer (add seed oil) DV Floater (add seed oil) DV Helm (add seed oil) Imp Casing, Wool, Fabric, Cotton, Rope (add seed oil)

This group is ok, either we already have variants, or the receipts are not conflicting IE Lamp (ok) FF Analyzer (ok) Treated Wood (ok) FF Paneling (ok) Escritoire (ok) GD Mut Tank (ok) GD Power Module (ok) AR Circuits - (ok)

This is group of receipts which nobody will need to automate, they are done like once per base top. So no need to fix this type of bug. Basic Injector (no need) DE Draco Chest (no need) DE Mob Grinder (no need) AA Disenchanting Lens (no need) MP Basic Plate (no need) MP Advanced Plating (no need) AR Solar Generator (no need)

gdarai commented 6 years ago

Done in 0.71