gdemin /

Convenient Data Exchange between R and Microsoft Excel
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read only for password protected files. #15

Closed ldfreight closed 6 years ago

ldfreight commented 6 years ago


I have a xlsb file that is password protected for writing. When I call, it shows a popup asking for password, or I can select "Read only" which then works. However this popu is annoying as I have a lot of tabs to read. Is it possible to pass an argument in to select "read only" by default?

Many thanks

gdemin commented 6 years ago

Hi, By now there is no such argument. I will add it in the future version. As quick workaround you can use the following code: = function(filename, header = TRUE, row.names = NULL, col.names = NULL, 
                        xl.sheet = NULL,top.left.cell = "A1", na = "",
                        password = NULL, write.res.password = NULL, read.only = FALSE,
                        excel.visible = FALSE)
    xl_temp = COMCreate("Excel.Application",existing = FALSE)
    xl_temp[["Visible"]] = excel.visible
    xl_temp[["DisplayAlerts"]] = FALSE
    if (isTRUE(grepl("^(http|ftp)s?://", filename))){
        path = filename
    } else {
        path = normalizePath(filename,mustWork = TRUE)  
    passwords =paste(!is.null(password), !is.null(write.res.password), sep = "_") 
    xl_wb = switch(passwords, 
                   FALSE_FALSE = xl_temp[["Workbooks"]]$Open(path,
                                                             readonly = read.only),
                   TRUE_FALSE = xl_temp[["Workbooks"]]$Open(path, 
                                                            password = password,
                                                            readonly = read.only
                   FALSE_TRUE = xl_temp[["Workbooks"]]$Open(path, 
                                                            writerespassword = write.res.password,
                                                            readonly = read.only
                   TRUE_TRUE = xl_temp[["Workbooks"]]$Open(path, 
                                                           password = password, 
                                                           writerespassword = write.res.password,
                                                           readonly = read.only
    if (!is.null(xl.sheet)){
        data_sheet =, xl.sheet)
    } else {
        data_sheet = xl_wb[["activesheet"]]
    if(is.null(row.names) && is.null(col.names)){
            col.names = TRUE
            temp =$range(top.left.cell),na = "")
            row.names = || all(grepl("^([\\s\\t]+)$",temp,perl = TRUE))
        } else {
            row.names = FALSE
            col.names = FALSE
    } else {
        if (is.null(row.names)) row.names = FALSE
        if (is.null(col.names)) col.names = FALSE
    top_left_corner = data_sheet$range(top.left.cell)
    xl.rng = top_left_corner[["CurrentRegion"]]
    if (tolower(top.left.cell) !=  "a1") {
        bottom_row = xl.rng[["row"]]+xl.rng[["rows"]][["count"]]-1
        right_column = xl.rng[["column"]]+xl.rng[["columns"]][["count"]]-1
        xl.rng = data_sheet$range(top_left_corner, data_sheet$cells(bottom_row,right_column))
    },drop = FALSE,na = na,row.names = row.names,col.names = col.names)
} = "readonly.xlsb", read.only = TRUE)
ldfreight commented 6 years ago

it works like a charm, thank you! would be a great addition in next version indeed.