gdh1995 / vimium-c

A keyboard shortcut browser extension for keyboard-based navigation and tab operations with an advanced omnibar
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Escaping browser's address bar #1084

Closed Lcchy closed 7 months ago

Lcchy commented 8 months ago

How should a feature do

When a user has done such steps:

  1. Click on the url bar to enter a url
  2. Try to escape the url bar via Escape in order to scroll the page with Vimium-C keybindings
  3. See that it is impossible

then Vimium C should do:

Maybe implement a global shortcut like Tridactyl does with Ctrl+, ? Could an action triggered by a Firefox add-on shortcut allow for this?

I have tried to find solutions to this problem in the wiki and the issue tracker, sorry if I missed something.

Browser and OS

gdh1995 commented 7 months ago

Browsers including Firefox and Chrome haven't provided such an API to let a web-extension move focus from address bar to page content.

If you do want to use a shortcut, here's a trick which is far from perfect:

  1. add shortcut userCustomized1 command="reopenTab" to Custom Key Mappings on Vimium C Options page
  2. open about:addons manually and assign a shortcut to Custom shortcut 1 of Vimium C, like this:

image image

Warning: although this trick does "move focus to page content", it will destroy you current page and "reopen" it, so all your writting and scrolling positions will be lost.

Lcchy commented 7 months ago

Oh I see, all right, thanks a lot for the advice! I am also getting used to use the vomnibar and I get less trapped in the Firefox address bar.

Lcchy commented 4 months ago

I have found another way that I am now using, in case anyone comes by this issue:

When the url bar is focused, hitting Ctr+H opens the history sidebar while also defocusing the url bar. Hitting it again closes the sidebar and refocuses the page without a reload, it even restores the cursor position.