gdh1995 / vimium-c

A keyboard shortcut browser extension for keyboard-based navigation and tab operations with an advanced omnibar
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Vomnibar tab search doesn't work for tabs in a group #1101

Open wangboyu-langya opened 4 months ago

wangboyu-langya commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug

when use vomnibar search to swtich the tab, tabs in a group can be found yet fails to switch to that tab

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. create a group with a tab
  2. open a new tab
  3. open the vomnibar to search that tab
  4. fails to switch to that tab
  5. image

    Browser, OS and Vimium C versions

    • Browser name: chrome
    • Browser version: Version 122.0.6261.69 (Official Build) (arm64)
    • Vimium C version: 1.99.99
    • OS name and version: macos ventura Version 13.6 (22G120)
shynekomaid commented 4 months ago

I have same issue! Try to disable save group feature. For me it help. Looks like Chrome store Synced groups different to simple groups. image

shynekomaid commented 4 months ago

I discovered it another way, noticed that ^ wasn't working. Started a new browser window - no, it works, so I started to figure it out.

gdh1995 commented 3 months ago

Um this problem seems a Chrome bug - see to trace any further information.