gdh1995 / vimium-c

A keyboard shortcut browser extension for keyboard-based navigation and tab operations with an advanced omnibar
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Feature request: "persistent" link hint mode #1105

Open revsuine opened 3 months ago

revsuine commented 3 months ago

What command or commands

Sometimes I want to follow multiple links/multiple button presses in rapid succession. Currently I have to press f before every button/link press. I would like to add a mode you can enter to stay in a "persistent" link hint mode until the user presses Esc (or some other escape keybind).

How should a feature do

When a user has done such steps:

Enter this mode with a keybind

then Vimium C should do:

Display link hints as Vimium currently does by default when pressing f. Follow links when the user presses the relevant keys.

Re-generate link hints either upon page refresh or upon following a link/button (or both).

Remain in this mode until the user escapes from it with an escape keybind, probably just the Esc key by default.

If this is already possible, please let me know, I would like to use this feature :) Thanks!

Browser and OS

gdh1995 commented 3 months ago

You may try the LinkHints.activateWithQueue command, which has been mapped to Alt+F by default.

You may also enter the queue mode from a plain LinkHints (f), by pressing Alt key once.

revsuine commented 3 months ago

You may try the LinkHints.activateWithQueue command, which has been mapped to Alt+F by default.

You may also enter the queue mode from a plain LinkHints (f), by pressing Alt key once.

Thank you, good to know this exists! I just tried this, and it opens multiple links in new tabs, which is handy behaviour to be able to do, however I want to open multiple links in the same tab.

I'll give an example to better illustrate:

Say I am on I enter some kind of persistent link hint mode by whatever keybind I've mapped it to. In this mode, I enter whatever hint has been assigned to the Installation Guide, say AM.

Now on, I have not left the link hint mode, and I want to go to a link from this page, say I don't need to press f again, it already has a hint, say DM, so I just type DM and I go to the page.

So I have navigated through the following pages:


in the same tab, without repeating the same shortcut before following each link (currently I would have to press f before following each link, so I'd press f twice in this example; I want to only press it once).

It's not a huge deal if you don't want to implement it, but it's just something I would find useful for my workflow if implemented. Thanks :)

gdh1995 commented 3 months ago

Okay, then I do accept this idea while up to now I have no enough rest time to write and improve this feature, sorry.

Somehow like .