gdh1995 / vimium-c

A keyboard shortcut browser extension for keyboard-based navigation and tab operations with an advanced omnibar
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mapKey and link hinting #1113

Closed Opisek closed 4 weeks ago

Opisek commented 3 months ago

I use a Dvorak keyboard layout and was happy to see that I can use mapKey or the ignore keyboard layout setting to use Vimum-C with all my muscle memory.

Unfortunately, one thing still troubles me: Link hinting displays the letters after mapKey, not before. For example, on my layout, the letter o maps to the QWERTY letter s. So if a link hint tells me to press the letter o, it will apply mapKey to it and end up pressing s.

Furthermore, when I enable "Use the link's name and characters for link-hint filtering" and try typing the link name using my layout, for example "abc", it will still be remapped using mapKey to "ani" in my case.

Could a setting for disabling mapKey for link hinting be added? Another option (for me) would be to have the option to ignore keyboard layout always, except for link hinting.

chjayakrishnajk commented 1 month ago

Read this wiki page

i - insert mode l - link hints f - find mode v - visual mode m - marks o - omnibar

this is the format mapkey Eg: mapkey , this will map n to j

Use mapkey in your preferred mode

gdh1995 commented 1 month ago

Yes per-mode key will solve this. You may try mapKey <c:n> i to make it not affect LinkHints or FindMode.

And, "per-mode" mapKey rules will take precedence over plain ones.

Opisek commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks, that's great! Somehow I missed it reading the wiki.