gdh1995 / vimium-c

A keyboard shortcut browser extension for keyboard-based navigation and tab operations with an advanced omnibar
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Will Vimium-c support "Find Current word" in future? #1118

Open fish1968 opened 2 months ago

fish1968 commented 2 months ago

What command or commands I noticed that vim has a Find current word option in normal mode, that is it can navigate the cursor from the current to the next or last word matched, by pressing "*" or "#", seperately. Here is a reference link if I didn't state clearly: Searching in vim

How should a feature do I wanna know whether this feature has or will be implemented? I think it is quite useful, in the sense that, we don't have to select or type the word at the cursor before searching it in a page. It may save a few seconds each time.

gdh1995 commented 1 month ago

I think it's not very convenient to select a word using Vimium C commands - at least hard to do so in 1-2 keys, so Vimium C should focus on providing a command to find next/previous of a current selection.

I'll add this feature in the future months of 2024.