gdh1995 / vimium-c

A keyboard shortcut browser extension for keyboard-based navigation and tab operations with an advanced omnibar
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LinkHints.activateOpenUrl, background and queue #1122

Closed anglimath closed 1 month ago

anglimath commented 2 months ago

The objective:

map xxx for the following purpose, Open multiple urls in background tabs without simulating the click (in a queue).

I know one possible way to achieve this is

  1. map xxx LinkHints.activateOpenUrl reuse="new-bg",
  2. press alt to change to queue mode. (Message: Open multiple URLs directly)

However, how can I use a single key to achieve this? (not simulating a sequence of keys)

I have tested all possible combinations of the followings, none works exactly as expected LinkHints.activateOpenUrl LinkHints.activateWithQueue mode="open-direct" mode="queue" reuse="new-bg" mode="cur-queue" ...

Could you please give me some hints? Many thanks!

anglimath commented 2 months ago

Also tried active=false, which doesn't work neither. To make the question description more accurate, the message would be (Message: Open multiple URLs directly), because this is the only way to make it work on "".

gdh1995 commented 1 month ago

You may try:

map xxx LinkHints.activateOpenUrl reuse="new-bg" mode=62

But the usage of mode=<number> is not recommended, because the number may changes when I think it's necessary...

I'll add a new way to achieve this effect using mode=<string>.

anglimath commented 1 month ago

Thanks! It works.