gdh1995 / vimium-c

A keyboard shortcut browser extension for keyboard-based navigation and tab operations with an advanced omnibar
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Map key to execute a key with modifier on to the app #1124

Open asgeirtj opened 2 months ago

asgeirtj commented 2 months ago

Hey there

I'm using Arc browser on macOS which uses a different tab system than chrome, where at least when using the tabs which are pinned on top don't work like you'd expect with nextTab previousTab. I'm looking to find a solution so I could use my bindings for these functions like in chrome.

1 Is it possible to map a key to output meta+alt+down/up? 2 If not then the solution would be to use keyboard maestro/better touch tool/karabiner to bind these my keys (I use a and s) to output those keyboard shortcuts in Arc but then I have the problem of I don't know how to test for if the selected area is page or textarea/input so I won't lose a and s functionality overall.

Any ideas for my problem? :D


asgeirtj commented 2 months ago

And yeah single key shortcuts are not configurable in Arc like in Vivaldi for example.

gdh1995 commented 1 month ago

No it's a limit of Arc browser:

  1. Arc has changed how it deals with tab order, but it doesn't updates what info 1web-extensions (like Vimium C) may receive
  2. as a result, Vimium C can only get a wrong order of tabs; in fact it's always the creation order
  3. Vimium C's map and mapKey can not affect browsers including Arc

So, there's nothing Vimium C can do for this problem.

As for karabiner, I'm not familiar with it...