gdh1995 / vimium-c

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页内搜索的高亮块在 GitHub 代码文件页面中会覆盖代码 #1144

Open furtherun opened 3 weeks ago

furtherun commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug

The highlight covers in-page search results of GitHub file code page

页内搜索的高亮块在 GitHub 代码文件页面中会覆盖代码

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

以本仓库的tsconfig.json为例, 当我也本页面输入/启用页内搜索后,再键入path并查找结果到文件代码区域,高亮颜色会覆盖代码内容。


Browser, OS and Vimium C versions

fish1968 commented 2 weeks ago

搜索后,摁 v 进入 visual mode 高亮就变成不遮挡的蓝色了

gdh1995 commented 2 weeks ago

这个是 GitHub 页面的实现和 vimium c 冲突了:
