gdh1995 / vimium-c

A keyboard shortcut browser extension for keyboard-based navigation and tab operations with an advanced omnibar
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Show marks in Vomnibar #1146

Open rieje opened 3 weeks ago

rieje commented 3 weeks ago

Vimium C doesn't provide a way to see marks in the UI. This is useful when you have even more than just 2 marks because you need to remember which mark belongs to which. I think it would make sense to have an option to show them in the Vomnibar permanently (prioritized over filtered list of URLs), or maybe e.g. entering Vomnibar, hitting a hotkey that toggles between typical list of open tabs and list of marked urls.

Marks are like bookmarks for open tabs so making them more accessible takes advantage of this. I find myself jumping to the wrong global marks often or accidentally overwriting an existing mark that I forgot about (because checking if it exists before I create one is annoying since the only user-friendly way is to just jump to the marker, meaning I have to jump back to the original position when checking) these issues break the workflow.

fish1968 commented 2 weeks ago

I am not sure whether you are mentioning jumping around existed tabs located in different windows. If thats the case you want, you might press capital T to open vomnibar instead of using o.
Capital T would open a vomibar that allow you to search only between existed tabs.