gdh1995 / vimium-c

A keyboard shortcut browser extension for keyboard-based navigation and tab operations with an advanced omnibar
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Keyboard shortcut to Toggle LinkHints Filtering #1147

Closed bhuwan-saini-alation closed 2 weeks ago

bhuwan-saini-alation commented 3 weeks ago

How should a feature do

When a user has done such steps:

If I press a keyboard shortcut e.g, Option + Shift + V, I can toggle Vimium-C between alphabetic link hints or search through link text and press enter.

then Vimium C should do:

Toggle this setting


Browser and OS

gdh1995 commented 2 weeks ago

Please try such a key mapping:

map <a-s-v> toggleSwitchTemp key="filterLinkHints"

Then Alt+Shfit+V will switch the mode of following LinkHints modes:

bhuwan-saini-alation commented 2 weeks ago

Awesome, exactly what I needed!