gdh1995 / vimium-c

A keyboard shortcut browser extension for keyboard-based navigation and tab operations with an advanced omnibar
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[Injection] Does injection still work in Firefox (version > 126)? #1151

Open MahdiNazemi opened 2 weeks ago

MahdiNazemi commented 2 weeks ago

I had injected Vimium C's scripts into pdf.js as explained in this wiki post, and could successfully use Vimium C's shortcuts for scrolling. However, I can no longer scroll with Vimium shortcuts in the extension.

I have three machines, all of which have the same issue. Has there been any changes to Firefox that prevent such an injection, or are there any config flags that need to be set to allow such an injection?

After reinstalling the extensions and clicking on Vimium C's icon, I see the following message:

Vimium C is not running on this page

Your browser does not run web extensions like Vimium / Vimium C on certain pages, usually for security reasons.

Unless your browser's developers change their policy, then unfortunately it is not possible to make Vimium / Vimium C (or any other web extension, for that matter) work on this page.

Configure more on the options page. Version 1.99.997.

MahdiNazemi commented 1 week ago

I was able to fix the issue by adding the injector script to viewer.html as well. However, when opening PDF files on, I receive the following message and the PDF does not load:

Vimium C: injected partly into _extensionname

gdh1995 commented 6 days ago

Um the message means the viewer.html page was working in a "sandboxed" mode.

I'm not sure why it didn't load. Maybe you can try disabling the Prefer keeping URLs in the address bar unchanged option manually.

MahdiNazemi commented 6 days ago

Um the message means the viewer.html page was working in a "sandboxed" mode.

I'm not sure why it didn't load. Maybe you can try disabling the Prefer keeping URLs in the address bar unchanged option manually.

Thank you for your response. The Firefox version I developed has no such option, and the URL starts with moz-extension://.

I will look into the sandbox mode and report my findings if I find a solution.