gdh1995 / vimium-c

A keyboard shortcut browser extension for keyboard-based navigation and tab operations with an advanced omnibar
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vimium ++ vs vimium #12

Closed raingart closed 6 years ago

gdh1995 commented 6 years ago

Oh, Sorry. It's mainly because too many small usages have been changed to meet my personal needs, so I can not maintain a detailed change list.

Notable changes:

A few disadvantages:

gdh1995 commented 6 years ago

In the original Vimium shortcuts [T, R, shift + >>, shift + <<] do the same

But Vimium's commands only work on "loaded" pages, which means you can do nothing on a broken page / Chrome Settings page. While Chrome global shortcuts work everywhere if only Chrome window is focused - this is why the 4 commands are mainly to switch or reload a tab, so that you will get a normal tab with Vimium++ enabled again.

there is no hotkey page when I click on the symbol ,

The default shortcut to show Vimium++ help dialog (also Vimium's) is ? (Shift + /).

what work with the sites of this language group is different from Latin-like

Some websites use Chinese characters in their URLs. For example, a URL may be, and %E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6 is URL-encoded 百度. What's more, some Chinese characters may even be encoded by the GBK charset, then the encoded text is %B0%D9%B6%C8. Vimium++ supports them and your search text on Vomnibar will be used to match decoded text.

And for other languages and charsets, users may set the advanced option Locale encoding (default to GBK) to make Vimium++ auto decode URLs.

you laid out the project on github

I put this project on github so that I can access the git repo easily and everywhere. I know little about the "Golden Shield Project", but this project is not blocked/protected by anything but a MIT open-source license. There're no limits on who want to use it.

have not answered you patches V++ with the original Vimium

Ideas of some commits to Vimium++ is from Vimium's official commits and pull requests, and sometimes I'll create pull requests for Vimium to implement wanted features / fix Vimium's known bugs. There have been a few PRs that is created by me and merged into Vimium. Other changes are for my personal needs and may cause different usages / features with Vimium.

The life of the project remains questionable

Yes. But as far as I see, it's a common situation where lots of projects are trapped. One of my code principle is to make the code cost least and run fastest, so I translated Vimium's code into JavaScript code, refactor and refactor every line and use TypeScript to try to ensure correctness. So It's hard to find one totally agrees with me, and I have to keep patient.

definitely use Vimium++ vs Vimium in description

I'm going to rework the readme and write new documents and changelogs if I'm free enough, but a sad story is, most of my rest time has been spent in fixing found bugs and implementing new features.

Because you use the word Vimium++ that hints at kinship and hence "the better."

It's another sad story - I was too young and too naive when I chose this name. Although now I think this name is a little shameful, I'm not ready to modify it yet, because it has been known by hundreds of users (a small number, I know). Of course, a new good name will be just enough to make me use it.


There's another important feature I forgot to note: Vimium++ can run on other extension pages if only they declare that Vimium++ is accepted, so users may use Vimium++'s shortcuts on an extension new tab page. One example is my modified X New Tab (微度新标签页修改版/hdnehngglnbnehkfcidabjckinphnief).

gdh1995 commented 6 years ago

it does not work exactly

A new user need to do some configurations to get the 4 shortcuts to work. At the bottom of chrome://extensions, click the link Keyboard shortcuts and add 4 key bindings with a type of In Chrome. Then you'll find those bindings work well on all tabs.

Old versions of Vimium++ added default key bindings: <a-t> for createTab, <a-c>/<a-v> for leftTab/rightTab and <a-r> for reloadTab, but some users complained they failed to use these keys suddenly after installing Vimium++ (maybe they didn't notice this feature). So I've removed the default shortcut bindings.

everything is not exactly called up a window

Sorry but I can't understand this English sentence. Vimium++'s default key mappings is from an early version of Vimium, so there may be some differences between their default mappings.

But foreigners will not be able to type the URL of the site

This feature is mainly used to allow native speakers to search for words of their language in history URLs. because sometimes pages may have no specific titles but a common title for its whole website.

Perhaps there is a local analog GitHub?

Maybe. I have to admit that it's enjoying to write my projects, but too so unpleasant to write documents - a common situation of most programmers.

It is double-edged weapon

Yes. Firstly, welcome to the China culture. It's amazingly various. Secondly, I personally like the names like VimFx (a Firefox plugin like Chrome's Vimium) and Vimium, so my preferred is a word appended to Vimium / some characters appened to Vim. Anyway, it's always hard to think up a meanful and memorable name, isn't it?

Added: considering that Vimium++ is modified from and looks like the original VImium, a suffix word may be better.

signs are used like ! or ? -

Yes. In Chinese, ! and ? are often used to emphasize something and in questions and imperative sentences. My knowledge about - is mainly from my English lessons, while the Chinese punctuation —— has some similar meanings, and I usually use it to explain a sentence before it.