gdombiak / OctoPod

Free open source client for OctoPrint
Apache License 2.0
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Add support for all defined terminial filters #590

Open StreckerCM opened 2 years ago

StreckerCM commented 2 years ago

I have searched all the issues here and haven't seen this one posted yet. So I am sorry if it has already been requested.

What is the Problem

In Octoprint can configure custom terminal filters in the web UI to remove different status messages from the terminal view. This feature helps suppress noise messages when you are trying to monitor a process like bed leveling, or z-auto align.


The issue is that Octopod only supports filtering the SD and Temperature messages. Currently, there is no way to filter out messages such as "Recv: echo busy: processing" or position reporting messages in the Octopod terminal view. Not having this feature can make it hard to monitor a process because some status messages cannot be suppressed.

PNG image

What would I like to see

I would like to see an option where you could click on a filter button and get an overlay, much like you have when editing the temperature. This overlay would show all the available filter options and their status. You could click on them individually to toggle them on and off. It would also be nice to have an option to turn them all on or off if possible.