gdombiak / OctoPod

Free open source client for OctoPrint
Apache License 2.0
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Timelapses with brackets in file name won’t play #591

Closed theHalo closed 2 years ago

theHalo commented 2 years ago

File names of timelapse videos which contain brackets „()“ in the file name can’t be played back in the Octopod app. The screen just stays black with a loading wheel forever. File export and deleting works fine. The exported video files can be played back in the iOS Photos app.

Maybe it’s a problem with the encoding of the file name.

Screen recording shows me selecting 2 files with brackets, then two without and then again two with brackets and two without.

Screen recording

gdombiak commented 2 years ago

Hi @theHalo , thanks for filing this issue. I will work on it this weekend and push a new release as soon as it's fixed. Let me know if you run into anything else or have improvement ideas.

Thanks, Gaston

theHalo commented 1 year ago

Just had my first timelapse with brackets in the file name and now it plays back just fine. Thanks! 👍🏼