gdombiak / OctoPod

Free open source client for OctoPrint
Apache License 2.0
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Octopod initiated print job by self #592

Closed dbrosy closed 2 years ago

dbrosy commented 2 years ago

I sent a print job to octoprint from cura 5. The job finished and 10 seconds later it restarted the print job from OctoPod

I didn't initiate this and only used octopod during print so see updates.

OctoPrint logs show print completing and then a new connection from my phone which initiated the print.

2022-06-26 18:57:39,446 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Got a notification: TM3D 10SProV2 Ready.
2022-06-26 18:57:39,449 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Finished in 8648.736 s.
2022-06-26 18:57:39,449 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Printing" to "Finishing"
2022-06-26 18:57:39,476 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job done - origin: local, path: CCR10SPRO_PBS_PLUS_MOUNT v5.gcode, owner: damian
2022-06-26 18:57:39,607 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Got a notification: 100% L=276/276
2022-06-26 18:57:39,640 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Finishing" to "Operational"
2022-06-26 18:57:40,694 - octoprint.plugins.DisplayLayerProgress - INFO - Printing stopped. Detailed progress stopped.
2022-06-26 18:57:40,734 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Got a notification: 0% L=276/276
2022-06-26 18:57:40,814 - octoprint.plugins.detailedprogress - INFO - Printing stopped. Detailed progress stopped.
2022-06-26 18:57:40,852 - octoprint.plugins.action_command_notification - INFO - Got a notification: Print Done
2022-06-26 18:57:50,186 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff:
2022-06-26 18:57:51,347 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job selected - origin: local, path: CCR10SPRO_PBS_PLUS_MOUNT v5.gcode, owner: admin, user: admin
2022-06-26 18:57:51,356 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Starting"
2022-06-26 18:57:51,358 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job started - origin: local, path: CCR10SPRO_PBS_PLUS_MOUNT v5.gcode, owner: admin, user: admin
2022-06-26 18:57:51,387 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2022-06-26 18:57:51,401 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Starting" to "Printing" = my phone

Is there a way to not allow new print jobs unless confirmed on printer? I was not using my phone at time first print job printed

The only thing that might be relevant was I has to change the ip address of printer on OctoPod during print to be able to connect. That was at the 50% mark and I only used it to check progress

I ended up damaging the print head when it hit my first print on the bed.

Any advice would be appreciated

gdombiak commented 2 years ago

Hi @dbrosy ,

I'm so sorry to hear the print head got damaged. That's a big no no!!! :(

The only way for OctoPod to initiate a print is to click on the print button either from the main page or the files page. If you go to Settings in OctoPod and click on Prompts you can enable Confirm to print to make sure that any unwanted print does not go through.

Thanks, Gaston

gdombiak commented 2 years ago

A confirmation dialog will appear every time you try to print from OctoPod.

dbrosy commented 2 years ago

Thanks @gdombiak for the fast response. I managed to fix the printer and have enabled the setting as you suggested.