gdombiak / OctoPrint-OctoPod

OctoPod plugin for OctoPrint. Used for sending real time push notifications
Apache License 2.0
72 stars 12 forks source link

Watch display timing out #138

Closed jalanjarosz closed 2 years ago

jalanjarosz commented 2 years ago

OctoPod app on Watch is timing out.

Printer list is there, but no stat's on each printer no snapshot is available.

iPhone 12ProMax - iOS 15.2 Watch series 3 - watchOS 8.3 OctoPrint v1.7.2 - on SMB - RaspPi 3b+ latest build, Tinkerboard with Armbian, OdroidX4U with Ubuntu 20.x OctoPod v3.16 OctoPod Notifications v0.3.12

jalanjarosz commented 2 years ago

I've attempted the following: Removed printer form OctoPod on iPhone Removed iPhone from OctoPod Notifications in OctoPrint

Added printer back into OctoPod Added phone back into OctoPod Notifications.

Tested Notifications and they work. Went back to Watch and refreshed the printer list and still no updates or images.

jalanjarosz commented 2 years ago

Update - Removed all printers from iPhone OctoPod and re-installed.

Watch is now linking properly to phone with printers and printer status only.

There are camera's on all printers and no images are displaying/updating on watch. This is the only item not working.


jalanjarosz commented 2 years ago

I'm going to close this issue for now.

I've upgraded to iOS 15.2.1 and now the Watch app works!

Not sure if it had something to do with iOS or not. Last night, I had the same issue, the Watch app was not updating on status or snapshots, however I had my "Sleep Focus" turned on. This morning, with Sleep Focus turned off, OctoPod Watch app is working perfectly.

@gdombiak Just a thought on the change in iOS "Focus". Not sure why that would affect the OctoPod watch updates or if that was or is intended functionality.