gdombiak / OctoPrint-OctoPod

OctoPod plugin for OctoPrint. Used for sending real time push notifications
Apache License 2.0
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Print complete notification delay cannot be negative #148

Open zobi opened 2 years ago

zobi commented 2 years ago

Hello, my cam is fixed on z axis. When job is not complete i see correctly the printing, but when the job is complete printer go to home position and after the notification « print complete » is send so i can’t see my printing on the final notification. My delay notification for print complete is set to 0s and i cannot set a negative value… Is there any solution to send with negative delay ?


gdombiak commented 2 years ago

Hi @zobi,

Negative values won't do the effect you are looking for. I could add an improvement so that you can specify a gcode being sent to the printer to get a notification if that would help. A gcode that you add before moving the bed to the front could be used to get a notification.

Would this help? Gaston

zobi commented 2 years ago

Oh my god, off course it can solve my issue ! Thanks a lot for your help and sorry for my english, i’m french

CookieMuncherUK commented 1 year ago

If you can add this option it would be great. I also have my cam on the z-axis