gds-operations / vcloud-tools

A collection of tools for provisioning using vCloud Director
MIT License
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Missing required arguments: vcloud_director_username, vcloud_director_host #202

Closed vialde closed 10 years ago

vialde commented 10 years ago

I've got vcloud-tools installed on redhat and I get this error when trying to run

eval $(FOG_CREDENTIAL=vcloud_creds vcloud-login)

.fog file is there and readable. What am I doing wrong?

mattbostock commented 10 years ago

Does your .fog file contain an empty string for the vCloud Director password? An empty string is required for the password even though you are using the vcloud-login tool.

You should also ensure that a username and API endpoint is set.

vialde commented 10 years ago

Gah, amateur hour. Running it from the wrong directory. My mistake
