gdwaterworth / Home-Assistant---E-Linter-Logger---Sunsynk

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Multiple Inverter Input Issues #65

Open NoMhawk opened 1 month ago

NoMhawk commented 1 month ago

I have just installed and setup HA with your red-node input.

I have 3 inverters (1 master, 2 slaves) the config is set to pull the data from the sunsynk api website.

The issue i'm having is the PV input from the master that is being stored in the "SS_Export_Data.pv.1_power" field is the total combined PV input from all the inverters.

The same happens on the 1_current

But the voltage its only bringing in the masters PV voltage only as expected.

Is there something I have done wrong?

I have 6 strings (2 on each inverter) I was hoping to at least be able to see the total from each inverter and display that. Is there a way to see the values from the other inverters?

I can see it finds all 3 inverters and gateways but can't see anywhere where it stores the other data.

Just as a reference the master controls nearly everything settings wise and passes this onto the slaves. Including the battery.

All 3 only show their own individual input and output on the touch screens, but you can see the combined on the api.sunsynk website.