ge-ku / Ban-Checker-for-Steam

Ban Checker for Steam
106 stars 22 forks source link

suggestions #20

Open 0963390788 opened 6 years ago

0963390788 commented 6 years ago

id like to know how many games have banned players. i think that gives a better view on the problem than x out of y unique players are banned. i'd rather know how many of the games i've played have banned players after playing them. ie: 500 out of your 1600 total matches have a banned player. it'd also be nice to say how many losses are due to bans. ie: 90% of your losses have banned players in.

great plugin btw, keep up the work

Douile commented 6 years ago

Maybe an average could be calculated per match. e.g. there was an average of 1.2 players banned per loss, 0.5 per win and overall 0.9 players banned per game.

Flowy commented 6 years ago

Statistics of games in which there were no banned player (after) interests me too. But this number must be taken with grain of salt, not every VAC is for CS:GO, not every player that got VAC must have been cheating in THIS particular game, not every cheater gets VAC, cheating does not mean you gonna win, etc. ... But number, how many games there were without player that got VAC after ... that will be something you can compare to others. And mostly, I would like to see graph in time with these games - to see how Valve rates me in matchmaking (if you are not cheater, it is less probable you get game with cheaters).

Server that will collect users statistics (and compare them) would be nice, but that brings too many problems for now.

skyfrk commented 6 years ago

Another suggestion: Could you somehow give the option to export the parsed data. So that I can play around with the numbers? :)