geNAZt / CloudChatBukkit

This is the Bukkit part of CloudChat. It needs to be installed in every Bukkit Server which should relay its Chat over BungeeCord
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[Feature request] adding a command to display some text in a specific channel #14

Open Hatventures opened 10 years ago

Hatventures commented 10 years ago

What is it? A command to allow an admin / console / remote tool to send a message to a specific channel

What would it look like? /displaytochannel admin &lYou guys are teh sucks

Is it an urgent request? No, I just thought it could be usefull for certain things (your twitter thing made me think of it)


geNAZt commented 10 years ago

You mean something like /broadcast only with custom Tag and message ? Which gets send out of Bukkit and not BungeeCord ?

geNAZt commented 10 years ago

Hellu ?