geanders / noaastormevents_paper

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Work some into the opening on current and anticipated future scale of disaster impacts #3

Open geanders opened 4 years ago

geanders commented 4 years ago

I've put a note in the draft, but I can also add this here. We could talk about how large these impacts are today and how bit we expect they might get in the future, as these are both drivers in making our study important.

Some sources to check out:

Current impacts:

Future impacts (may also have some on current impacts):

theresekon commented 4 years ago

Thank you for these sources! I found a lot of good information to benefit the paper.

I am wondering how much detail you think I should go into about these topics and how much direct quoting is appropriate in a manuscript like this.

geanders commented 4 years ago

For how much detail, I'd start with just a paragraph or two. This can be the opening for the Intro of the paper.

For direct quoting, I would say we don't want to do a lot. If we find one or two really great quotes, then we can include them, but typically for this type of article you wouldn't include a lot, I don't think.

That being said, a lot of times I'll include some as I draft, but then edit to paraphrase or otherwise describe the point without quoting in later drafts.