geany / geany-plugins

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RFE: markdown plugin - option to synchronize views #1267

Open herrdeh opened 10 months ago

herrdeh commented 10 months ago

At present, editor and preview windows do move independently.

This may be desired in certain contexts, but in vanilla text editing, synchronized scrolling between editor and preview windows is more convenient. So a switch to toggle between both behaviours would be great.

Cheers, Wolf

greytomorrow commented 3 months ago

So @herrdeh knows they're not yelling into the void, :100: This feature is absolutely necessary.

I must add that whenever an edit is made, no matter where, the markdown preview always jumps to the beginning of the document, losing the point where the user was working. One has to scroll through the markdown preview to find where they'd left off.

Thank you.

elextr commented 3 months ago

Plugins are submitted by and maintained by individuals named in the Maintainers file. Although Markdown is listed as "maintained" nothing has been heard from the maintainer for years, so requests may indeed be yelling into a void.

Edit: of course that doesn't preclude "somebody" making a pull request to add features

herrdeh commented 3 months ago

I've been using ghostwriter now for a time - it does not perfect, but way better than Geany md plugin.