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Devhelpplugin #1311

Open liomarhora opened 4 months ago

liomarhora commented 4 months ago

Insert devhelp plugin

elextr commented 4 months ago

It still contains build artifacts that should not be saved in the repository.

liomarhora commented 4 months ago

It still contains build artifacts that should not be saved in the repository.

How can I find them to fix them? Is there an example I can follow? I ran git -fxd before submitting.

liomarhora commented 4 months ago

artefatos de construção que não devem ser salvos no repositório

Deletes the old build that appeared in the workflows. I generated a more current one. Does this solve it?

liomarhora commented 4 months ago

It still contains build artifacts that should not be saved in the repository.

Hello elextr. Thank you for the informations! I managed to make the necessary adjustments so that the devehelp plugin works in the new version of Geany. Could you verify?

liomarhora commented 1 month ago

Hello elextr. How are you? I've made some changes to the DevHelp plugin and it's working fine on Geany. No Action, compilation normally takes place in the Linux environment. But in Windows there is an error. Would you know how to let me know what's going on.

elextr commented 1 month ago

@liomarhora probably not, I don't have much time and I don't use devhelp so it may be a long time.

liomarhora commented 1 month ago

@liomarhora probably not, I don't have much time and I don't use devhelp so it may be a long time.

I understand.