geary / AnyTone-D868UV

Unofficial issue tracker for AnyTone AT-D868UV and AT-D878UV radios and firmware
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Uninstalling CPS software removes MSFLXGRD.OCX even if other apps are using it #11

Open geary opened 6 years ago

geary commented 6 years ago

CPS software 1.26-1.27

The CPS software installs the Microsoft Flex Grid Control, MSFLXGRD.OCX in the Windows 32-bit system directory (typically C:\Windows\System32 on a 32-bit version of Windows, or C:\Windows\SysWOW64 on a 64-bit system).

When you uninstall the CPS, it unregisters and uninstalls this OCX file. However, this is a shared library that other applications may be using as well. When the CPS uninstaller removes this file, it breaks any other apps that depend on it.

An easy way to see the problem is to install two different versions of the CPS software and then uninstall one of them. For example, install 1.26, and later install 1.27 so they are both installed. Now uninstall 1.26, and then try to run 1.27. The 1.27 install is now broken, and you will have to reinstall 1.27 to fix it. The same will happen to any other program using this OCS.