geary / AnyTone-D868UV

Unofficial issue tracker for AnyTone AT-D868UV and AT-D878UV radios and firmware
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Write To Radio fails if radio is connected after starting CPS #19

Open geary opened 6 years ago

geary commented 6 years ago

CPS software 1.27

If I have the radio disconnected when I start the CPS software, then connect it while CPS is running, and then use the Program / Write To Radio function, it fails with a Cannot Open Communication Port message, because the COM port is not selected. (It works OK if I connect the radio first and then start CPS.)

If I then go to Set / Set COM it has the correct COM port selected, so I click OK. Then I can sucessfully use the Write To Radio function.

It would make things easier if the Write To Radio function would check to see if any COM port has been selected, and if not, it should try to reconnect to the last COM port used.