geary / AnyTone-D868UV

Unofficial issue tracker for AnyTone AT-D868UV and AT-D878UV radios and firmware
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Keyboard input in contact selection dialog crashes CPS #31

Open geary opened 6 years ago

geary commented 6 years ago

CPS 1.27

  1. Open the Channels list.
  2. Double-click any digital channel to open its details.
  3. Click the Contact button to open the contact selection dialog.
  4. Type any key (other than cursor arrows which do not crash). Examples:
    • Hit Esc in an attempt to cancel the dialog.
    • Click a contact or navigate with the arrow keys, then hit Enter to select and close the dialog.
    • Or just about any other key input other than the arrow keys.

Result: Error message "Run-time error '13': Type mismatch". Click OK and the app forcibly exits.